TPT March 2009

T echnology U pdate

Launch of ‘straightening head’ core exchange program

The 900 series of 6-roll rotary tube straightening machines, from Turner/ Mackintosh Hemphill, were first introduced in the early 1960’s. There are now many hundreds of 900 series straighteners in regular production and, when maintained in good condition, give very acceptable results to many tube producers. The 900 series machines are very robust, with modern versions manufactured each year – some with Casam computer control. While Turner offers a ‘rebuild back to as  A model 916 straightening head ready for shipment

new’ service, many users often cannot accept lengthy machine downtime. To address this problem Turner has launched a ‘straightening head’ core exchange program. The ‘straightening head’ comprises the portion of the machine containing the rolls and roll adjustment mechanisms. The supplied factory re-manufactured straightening head is ‘as new’ and includes all the modern revisions such as digital roll position

indicators. Essen- tially the factory re-manufactured heads are fitted with new rolls, bearings, wearing parts and new roll adjustment devices. The straightening head core

 A model 924 straightening head installed at a customer’s plant

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exchange program has been developed to cut the downtime of a straightener to around a day or two. The re-manufactured straightening head can usually be installed with the existing roll drive equipment during a weekend. Turner also offers an installation supervisory service to guide engineers in fitting the new straightening head. After installation of the re-manufactured and modernized straightening

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M arch 2009

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