TPT March 2009
T echnology U pdate
Automated seamless pipe mill order in Brazil ABB, UK, has won a contract to supply automation systems, equipment and services for a new seamless steel tube and pipe production plant for Vallourec & Sumitomo Tubos do Brasil (VSB). The company is a specialist in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact, The new plant will have an annual capacity of 600,000 tons per year of seamless steel pipes. It will be primarily dedicated to the production of seamless OCTG (oil country tubular goods) products. ABB will provide engineering, project management, and other related services for the project. The scope of supply includes drives, motors, electrical equipment and automation based on system 800xA, with industry-specific applications for the seamless pipe laminator rolling mill. ABB’s automation solutions maximise productivity and equipment reliability in rolling mills, and also help optimise energy use, enabling plants to run efficiently and profitably from the start. The new plant will be built at Jeceaba, in the state of Minas Gerais in south eastern Brazil, and is scheduled to start production in 2010. VSB is a joint venture company owned by Vallourec Group and Sumitomo Metals. ABB Limited – UK Fax : +44 1480 218 361 Email : • Website : Inclined-bed circular saw technology For the cutting of continuous casting billets or ingots, system- dependent vertical and horizontal saws are disadvantageous. Linsinger, a specialist in sawing and milling, has therefore developed an inclined-bed-saw to overcome problems of machine stability, inefficient clamped material and low tool life. The company combined the benefits of vertical and horizontal technology in the development of its KSS inclined-bed circular saw. Linsinger states that inclined-bed technology has generated a lot of enthusiasm worldwide. Linsinger claims that its professionals can ensure maximum line availability, based on product development and manufacturing experience of more than 500 carbide circular saws. According to Mr Johann Baumgartner, the Linsinger’s sales manager, the saw blade for the saw is like the wheel for the Formula 1 car: minimum deviations in interaction or bad tuning can endanger line efficiency. Linsinger offers a complete package that simplifies service and repair, reduces customer stoppages and avoids unplanned breakdowns. Linsinger – Austria Fax : +43 7613 8840 38 Email :
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