TPT March 2007
I nspection, M easuring, T esting & M arking
Advanced eddy current instrument for premium testing
Meeting the NDT requirements of Russia’s pipe-rolling plants Improving product quality is currently a major issue for the Russian metallurgical industry, with growing requirements for NDT equipment and services. Inspector Ltd, Russia, was established in 2003 to meet the obvious demand for professional NDT consulting and engineering services, as well as for complex supplies of a range of NDT equipment. The company claims to be the first in Russia to provide consulting and engineering services to pipe-rolling and metallurgical plants. Due to cooperation with NDT equipment manufacturers throughout the world and with the largest Russian metallurgical companies, Inspector has gained vast experience in high-quality NDT. Inspector serve leading Russian plants including Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant, Volzhsky Pipe Plant, Vyksa Steel Works, Seversk Tube Works, Sinara Pipe Works and Taganrog Steel Works. In 2007, the
The new Zet@ Premium, an eddy current instrument from CMS, offers an impressive set of technical features for tube and bar testing. Equipped with various probes, the Zet@ Premium detects any type of opening defect located on metallic products. A small and compact instrument, Zet@ Premium offers a simple and intuitive Windows based interface, available in many different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese and Italian. It has a wide and bright colour screen and the panel keyboard fi The new Zet@ Premium eddy current instrument
and mouse allows use in demanding environments. The remote control feature makes Zet@ Premium particularly easy to interface with the factory supervision system and provides user support directly from CMS technical engineers. The accuracy of its electronics used with relevant probes, chosen from the wide range available from CMS, make virtually all testing tasks possible. Applications that have experienced successful testing include fine wire testing (with detection of 10 microns cracks), and hot rolling mill production with speeds of up to 110m/s. These instruments are sold and supported worldwide through a network of qualified CMS partners. The company can offer customised testing systems according to user specifications. Contrôle Mesure Systemes – France Fax : +33 3 85 94 14 15 Email : Website :
M arch /A pril 2007
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