TPT March 2007
Technology Update
Welding excellence with high and medium frequency systems
Precision tubing for the Indian auto industry
Elestar Srl, Italy, is highly experienced in the manufacture of high and medium frequency systems for welding, hardening, annealing and melting. Longitudinal welding systems for tube are a focus of Elestar’s technology, together with the ever-growing demand for new induction heating applications. The range of high frequency generators encompasses the welding of austenitic, ferritic and stainless steel tubes, carbon steel, copper, brass and aluminium. With an in-depth knowledge of HF technology and
material engineering, Elestar’s machinery provides reliability in precision, speed, welding process control and final results. According to its customer-oriented policy, Elestar can meet any application require- ment with customised solutions, designed to match a variety of production parameters.
Neel Metal Products Ltd (NMPL), India, part of the JBM Group, is the manufacturer of ERW tubes with a range from Ø 12.7mm to 76.2mm OD and wall thickness from 0.8mm to 4mm. The company also produce CDW tubes ranging from Ø 10-76.2mm OD with wall thickness from 0.8mm to 4mm. A supplier of auto parts in India, Neel commissioned a manufacturing facility for precision tubes in 2005, and is also currently setting up a green field project for ERW and CDW tube manufacturing. The company’s installed capacity for ERW tubes is 55,000t/year and 7,500t/year for CDW tubes. NMPL also has a steel service centre for slitting, cut-to-length and profile press blanking, with a capacity of 50,000t/year. The company has full manufacturing facilities with slitters, tube mills, annealing furnace, surface treatment plant for oil draw, draw benches, multi-cutters, tube finishing and testing lines, and a modern quality control facility with a metallurgical lab.
Elestar – Italy Fax : +39 0119974066 Email : Website :
Cutting and tube handling machines OMP, Italy, produces a range of cutting machines and systems for tube handling. This product range includes automatic cutting machines with circular blades, for cutting tube, bar, and profiles in ferrous and non-ferrous material. Discharge units can be added to these machines, with unloading positions for different lengths, trim cut or rest pieces. Deburring machines can also be added. The company aims for short delivery times, reliability and flexibility, and continuous technological evolution to meet the demands of the market. OMP Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0445 640 225 • Email : • Website :
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