TPT March 2007
Industry News
while Google only purchased YouTube in September 2006 for US$1.65bn. Thousands of curious YouTube video seekers mistakenly went to (instead of, leading to around 90,000 unique unwanted visitors a day (8- 9 million hits). This unwanted traffic even forced the utube website to shut down on several occasions, meaning Universal has been forced into finding an alternative internet provider with enough bandwidth to accommodate the flood of visitors. Some frustrated YouTube searchers even sent abusive emails, filled out machinery information request forms requesting video download instructions and made irate phone calls to Universal Tube & Rollform. In an attempt to offset the extra bandwidth cost, Universal has now included a search option at the top of its web page to assist accidental visitors looking for YouTube. Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp – USA Fax : +1 419 874 2825
Top-class speakers due at Japan’s Nagoya conference
The International Tube Association (ITA), organisers of the Nagoya Tube 2007 technical conference in Japan, has announced a high quality line-up of speakers. Due to take place from 18- 20 June at the Noyori Conference Hall, Nagoya University, Japan, the conference is coorganised by the Roll Forming Research Committee of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). Nagoya Tube 2007 will run over two days with the third day devoted to a choice of plant visits to Sumitomo, JFE Steel and Sango Co. The programme of 27 papers will include keynote presentations by Dr Ken Hirata, president of Shibaura Technical College, and Professor Kiuchi, both ITA president and chairman of JSPT. A highlight will also come from Mr K Mine of Toyota Motor Corp, who will present a paper titled ‘Application of pipe materials for cars’ . Other major organisations scheduled to speak at the symposium include Chiyoda
Corp, Sumitomo, SMS Meer, Nippon Steel, Nisshin Steel Co, China Cold Rolling- Forming Steel Association and Nakata Manufacturing Co. Apart from Japan, the conference will also welcome speakers from China, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Ukraine, USA, Australia, Norway and Canada. International Tube Association – UK Fax : +44 1926 314755 Email : Website : Utube or Youtube: confusion reigns over website names Universal Tube & Rollform, USA, has reported ongoing problems with its website as a result of the purchase and increased promotion by Google of the YouTube internet user video website. Universal’s website was established in 1996,
Email : Website :
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