TPT March 2007
Managed by a powerful CNC with 3D visual graphic programming (VGP) control, which ensures movement of its 12 axis. Further main features include: right and left in-process bending, in-built load and unload, automatic adjustments and a combination of fixed and variable radii. E-TURN the new standard for fully electric tube bending
B E N D I N G - E N D F O R M I N G - S AW C U T T I N G - L A S E R T U B E C U T T I N G S Y S T E M S - M A N U FA C T U R I N G C E L L S
BLM GROUP UK LTD. tel. + 44 (01525) 402 555 - fax. +44 (01525) 402312 - email: -
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