TPT March 2007
S tainless S teel T ubing: M anufacturing & M achinery
Increased capacity for Chinese stainless steel tube manufacturer
Quality stainless steel tube and pipe Quality Stainless Pvt Ltd, India, part of the Quality Group, manufactures welded stainless steel tube and pipe for applications including heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, automobile, oil and gas, structural, ornamental and other engineering industries. The product range includes welded SS tube/pipe with OD sizes of ½" to 4", and ½" to 3" NB. The products are manufactured using cold rolled stainless steel strips and coils from hot rolled strips supplied by Quality Foils Pvt Ltd. With certification according to ISO 9001:2000 from TUV and SUD, both Quality plants are located next to Jindal Stainless, Hisar, India. The entire QSPL plant is equipped with state-of-the-art non- destructive and ultrasonic testing equipment
Changshu Walsin Specialty Steel Co Ltd, China, is a leading supplier of stainless steel seamless tube and pipe. The company has recently completed a successful expansion of its No 2 plant, which now has a production capacity of 2,000mt per month. Two of the latest hot piercing machines were placed into operation in October 2006, while 28 cold drawn benches and cold pilger machines were installed in February 2006 at the new plant. fi The facilities at Changshu Walsin manufacture stainless steel tube and pipe
› The No 2 plant at Changshu Walsin has recently been upgraded
In December 2006, the company received an 80mt order from Ling Dong Nuclear Power Project, with goods due for delivery in February 2007.
and in-house testing laboratories. Quality Stainless Pvt Ltd – India Fax : +91 1662 220251 Email : Website :
Changshu Walsin Specialty Steel Co Ltd – China Fax : +86 512 5256 8027 Email : Website :
M arch /A pril 2007
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