TPT March 2007
automatic CNC machines and production lines. The company is also a producer of perforated tubes, a capability especially suited to smaller batches, when it is not fi Sirius also has the facility to produce perforated tubes in small batches
efficient to purchase an entire machine. The big advantage is the possibility to obtain ready-punched parts, which are constantly in stock.
Sirius Praha Czech Republic
Sirius Praha is producer of tools, devices and machines for cutting and punching open and closed profiles, such as round, square, rectangular and shaped tubes. The complete product line includes various solutions from very simple tools to fully fi Sirius will present a range of cutting and punching tools and machinery
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Tube & Pipe Technology UK
Tube & Pipe Technology is the international trade magazine for the tube and pipe industries, published six times a year in the English language. Covering the production, processing and utilisation of tube and pipe, each issue provides coverage of essential industry news, personnel changes and technology and product updates. The magazine includes regular topical columns such as ‘From the Americas’ – an economic and industry report on North and South America, a variety of technical features, and in-depth articles highlighting the latest scientific information and manufacturing solutions.
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› Tube & Pipe Technology is now also available as an online e-zine
Tank and vessel heaters for pickling
The magazine has a worldwide circulation of over 12,000, distributed to managers, buyers, technologists, engineers and specifiers in over 100 countries. Working in partnership with the International Tube Association (ITA), Tube & Pipe Technology is sent out to all ITA members. Tube & Pipe Technology is now also available as an online e-zine, which will reach even more worldwide readers, with selected content available free and the entire digital version available on subscription. Boru visitors can pick up a free copy of the latest edition at the Tube & Pipe Technology stand.
Specialists in heating & cooling systems and equipment for highly corrosive liquids…
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