TPT March 2007
Technology Update
New de-burring machine for large OD pipes
Custom valve manufacturer Definox has been using orbital welding for 15 years and bought its first system from Polysoude, France, in 1993. The company currently operates five orbital welding power supplies and several weld heads, including a Polysoude PC 300 TR, which is used for welding large, manifold parts. The Definox product range, produced only from 316L stainless steel tube or bar, is used in the manufacture of food and dairy products, wine making/brewing, and products for chemicals and cosmetics. The company has an extensive line of valves including ball, butterfly, vacuum pressure release, mix proof, changeover, non-return, compression, double block, bleed, and diaphragm. In the early 1990s the company began designing a special ‘push through’ pigging system, to be used to empty the remaining product from the pipe into the filling machine. This procedure involves the forcing of the product out of the pipeline using air or water. At this time, Definox was already producing valves for the pharmaceutical industry, and its welders were adept at producing welds with smooth interior surfaces. This aspect of welding is essential in avoiding the build-up of contamination in products or to eliminate the possibility of weld joint corrosion. The repeatability, accuracy and smoothness of welds accomplished using orbital welding provided the right results. Because the pusher mechanism on the Definox pigging system contains a seal The Model 10 is capable of deburring tubing from 1.7" to 4.756" OD, with lengths from 2.5" to 60", and wall thicknesses from 0.125" to 0.750". A special disc transfer system enables tubing that is larger in OD than the length to be deburred, and the Kent Corporation, USA, offers a full line of Burrmaster and Buckeye deburring machines for tubing, solids, and extrusions. The company has just launched a new model in its Burrmaster range. The Burrmaster Model 10 for large OD, short length tubing automatically deburrs both ends of the tubing simultaneously, for high production rates. The machine features quick adjustment mechanisms with built-in scales for quick and easy changeover.
› Kent Corporation’s Burrmaster Model 10
machine can achieve rates of up to 1,200 pieces per hour.
Kent Corporation – USA Fax : +1 440 237 5368
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Orbital welding essential in custom valve manufacture
that both pushes and ensures no material back-flow, it became even more critical to consistently produce high quality weld joints. The weld on the interior tube faces could tolerate no imperfections, and had to be perfectly smooth, to prevent damage to the seal when it passes welds in the pipeline. Guidelines from the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) even advise the use of orbital welding in pharmaceutical and food processing equipment. The guidelines (released in 1991/1992) specified the interior finish (RA, maximum 0.8µ), joint shape, form, design, material, type of connection, and type of seals. In addition to the EHEDG guidelines, Definox complies with the US FDA A3 regulation, a strict USDA requirement for which the company has determined it is better to use orbital welding. Definox believe the solution of orbital welding has been consistently met through the use of Polysoude’s equipment, particularly with the PC 300 TR welding head. In this mechanized welding set-up – consisting of a column and boom, torch assembly, turntable and wire feeder – the part is fixed to the rotating turntable, and filler wire is used during the application. Polysoude SAS – France Fax : +33 240 681 188
Email : Website : Definox – France Fax : +33 2 40 67 89 00 Email : Website :
M arch /A pril 2007
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