TPT March 2007
D rilling, P iercing & P unching T echnology
The new generation of Hebö tube-drilling machines are semi-automatic. Only the fixing of tubes and removal of finished products is manual. The modular system can be extended by further working units. Through combination with a tray-load of poles and a removal-device the machine can be extended to a fully automatic plant. As of September 2007, it will be possible to combine the RBV12 tube-drilling machine with Hebö reshaping-machines (ie embossing-units, bending-machines, forging-press, passage-heating). Hebö Maschinenfabrik GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 6453 91 33 55 Email : Website : Used for applications such as precise inline notching and embossing, Dreistern’s Start-Stop ® rollforming process was first developed 30 years ago, and has benefitted from powerful new drives that have kept pace with demanding applications. Many rollforming tasks would not be possible without the aid of Start-Stop technology. The rollforming machine works like a precision press feeder. In the Start-Stop operation mode, the progressively advancing profile is stopped briefly during the cut-off and punching operations The profile is then reaccelerated to normal operating speed. All punching and cut-off tools are stationary. The advantage of this process can be seen where extensive punching operations are necessary. The tool designer does not have to make any compromises due to weight limitations for the tools. In continuous operation, all punching and cut-off tools must be accelerated to the strip speed, limiting the number and weight of the tools. In addition, the Start-Stop process offers advantageous higher production output rates for short length sections. Rates of 60 sections per minute are normal, while high- performance lines can reach 120 sections per minute. The drive system catapults the profile with an acceleration of up to 8m/s 2 to a speed of up to 100m/min, and stops exactly at the programmed punching or cutting position, with a positional accuracy usually better than ±0.2mm. Dreistern GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 7622 391 205 Start-Stop process for high speed precision rollforming
Modular, prize-winning tube-drilling machine
The Hebö RBV12 is a modular tube-drilling system for the precise working of tube and section. The company has been awarded the Bundesinnovationspreis (Prize of Federal Innovation) for the RBV12, which is used in applications such as plant, heating-elements, rail, staircase and furniture manufacture. The RBV12 can undertake procedures including drilling, flow-drilling, thread-forming, thread-cutting, core-hole-removal and sawing. In addition to a number of special sections, the machine can be used on round, square, rectangular and oval-tubes. Comprising of two drilling units mounted on a revolving base plate, the RBV12
is adjusted by an infinitely variable feed carriage. The pivot point of the drilling units is in the middle axis of the section to be worked. The base plate can be revolved under infinite variables up to an angle of 30° to the section middle axis. Because of the double-sided treatment it is possible to make precisely aligned through- bore-holes with an extremely inclined angle. Each drilling unit can be used for drilling and thread-cutting. Due to machine construction, special drilling-tools and a lubrication device, common problems during drilling of stainless steel can be avoided. The infinitely variable adjustment of the tools allows the drilling of oversizes up to 0.4mm.
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M arch /A pril 2007
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