TPT March 2007
I nspection, M easuring, T esting & M arking
The set-up, calibration, and inspection run are greatly simplified. An advantage of digital EMI is the ability to provide 360º coverage of the pipe circumference at mill speed.
operators effortlessly through the control functions and give step-by-step instruction for each component until the inspection is complete. Images can be tagged for future identification and to incorporate inspection comments. The instrument’s software allows text and arrow overlays and custom logos. Portability is a major feature of the new system, which is built for durability to withstand the rigours of field inspection. Mr Ed Hubben, product manager for GE Inspection Technologies, comments, “Digital imagery and live video are critical in all industrial and process sectors. With the Everest XLG3 you can now capture very high quality digital data and transmit this in real time direct from the point of inspection to remote quality control and maintenance teams to deliver fast and reliable diagnosis, allowing accurate, critical decision making.” GE Inspection Technologies – UK Fax : +44 1727 795400 Email : Website :
PITCO – USA Fax : +1 281 219 2317 Email : Website :
Versatile Everest XLG3 VideoProbe boosts inspection capabilities
The new Everest XLG3™ VideoProbe, from GE Inspection Technologies, offers the versatility for fast and reliable internal visual inspection to boost productivity. It can be used for applications as wide ranging as on-wing turbine engine inspection in the aerospace sector, turn-around inspections on process plant components, boiler outage inspections in the electric power industry and cylinder-head checking in automotive manufacture. With a host of advanced features such as QuickChange™ probes that quickly
› The new Everest XLG3™ VideoProbe
reconfigure probe length and diameter, the new RVI system dramatically reduces inspection and post-inspection times. Using an on-board DVD/CD drive, the XLG3 VideoProbe allows inspection information to be stored in real-time, for transfer using flash drives or the internet. A high-resolution display, intuitive software control buttons and drop-down menus guide
M arch /A pril 2007
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