TPT July 2023
Rory McBride
Design & production Lisa Wright
Sales & marketing
Jason Smith UK, ROW, USA, Canada, S. America, Germany, Italy,
Austria, Switzerland Tel: +44 1926 834684
2 Editorial index 6 Industry news 7 Diary of tube events 26 Technology news 42 Cutting, sawing & saw blades 64 Advertisers index
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Advertising co-ordinator
Liz Hughes
Louise Jennings
Accounts manager
Louise Jennings
John C Hogg
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July issue • Business & market news
The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
July 2023
• Are expansion loops and expansion joints obsolete? Dealing with the issue of thermal movement in riser pipes
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Photo credit: Erlend Ekseth
Automatic feeding of materials for greater tube bending production efficiency By transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH
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