TPT July 2023
Steel companies to evaluate ground-breaking green ironmaking plant
production of tubular solutions catering to the energy markets and demanding industrial applications such as oil & gas wells in harsh environments, new generation power plants, challenging architectural projects and high performance mechanical equipment. In 2022 the company management and employee representatives have mutually agreed to close their German operations. Vallourec is known for its innovative spirit and cutting-edge research and development. Robert Bouland, CEO at Hilco Industrial Acquisitions, said the sale of assets on behalf of Vallourec Deutschland presents a good opportunity for buyers looking for modern, high-quality machinery for various industrial applications. These over the last year including successful trials on Fortescue’s Pilbara iron ore products. The new Smelter technology from Primetals Technologies is a furnace powered by electrical energy. It is used for melting and final reduction of direct reduced iron (DRI) based on lower-grade iron ores. In that way, it produces alternative green hot metal for the steelmaking plant. “voestalpine has a clear plan to decarbonise steel production with the greentec steel program. An important first step is the incremental shift from the blast furnace route to a hybrid-electric steel pathway from 2027. Over the long term, our mission is carbon neutral steel production using green hydrogen, for which we are already undertaking intensive research into promising breakthrough technologies. With the joint project with Primetals Technologies and Fortescue, we are taking another new path towards achieving the goal of
AMSTERDAM-based Hilco Industrial Acquisitions, an operating company of US-based Hilco Global, has announced the strategic partnership for the sale and project management relating to the disposition of all assets at Vallourec Deutschland GmbH, which are located at two production sites in Düsseldorf Rath and Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany. The assets to be sold are primarily related to seamless steel pipe production lines. The sale will be conducted in partnership with National Machinery Exchange Inc. Hilco Industrial Acquisitions has listed these assets for sale on its website: The production will cease at the end of 2023. Vallourec Deutschland is a leader in the PRIMETALS Technologies, together with its strategic partners Mitsubishi Corporation, Fortescue, a leader in mining and heavy industries, and globally leading steel and technology group voestalpine, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The partnership is aimed at designing and engineering an industrial-scale prototype plant with a new process for net-zero-emission ironmaking at the voestalpine site in Linz, Austria. The collaboration will also investigate the implementation and operation of the plant. The new ironmaking process will be based on Primetals Technologies’ HYFOR and Smelter solutions. HYFOR is the world’s first direct reduction process for iron ore fines that will not require any agglomeration steps, like sintering or pelletising. A pilot plant has been in operation since the end of 2021, and Primetals Technologies has run numerous successful test campaigns
The partnership is aimed at designing an industrial scale prototype plant with net-zero-emission ironmaking
CO 2 -neutral steel production by 2050,” said Hubert Zajicek, member of the management board of voestalpine AG and head of the steel division. Dr Alexander Fleischanderl, senior vice president and head of green steel at Primetals Technologies, added: “This is a decisive step for the transition to green steel production, and we are very excited to be a key part of it. Our HYFOR technology is a result of decades of work in the direct reduction and hydrogen space. The Smelter is another game-changing green technology we are developing. By combining these solutions, we will enable a sustainable technology for green ironmaking over the long term.”
Primetals Technologies
Sale and project management of Vallourec Deutschland tube production assets
applications include mechanical pipes, structurals, cylinder pipes for industrial usage, boiler heads, nuclear for power generation, and OCTG for oil & gas purposes. Mr Bouland added that they anticipate receiving a considerable level of interest from regions such as Asia, Middle East and the Americas. Additionally, the company is willing to explore offers from potential buyers for purchasing a comprehensive package of significant assets. To arrange an inspection or to learn specific information about the sales process contact Margot Ter Bogt at:
Hilco Industrial Acquisitions
JULY 2023
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