TPT July 2023
The international magazine for the tube and pipe industry
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
ISSN 0953-2366
JULY 2023
VOL 36 NO 4
State-Of-The-Art Seamless Steel Pipe Production Lines FOR SALE
Complete Plants Closure
In Düsseldorf-Rath + Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
UNIQUE Investment Opportunity 2023- 2024 7.5” 16” & 26” Pipe Manufacturing Equipment • Pilger Mill (Complete), Including (2017) Danieli Cross Rolling Mill and 2012 Rebuilt Sms Pilger Mill • BRONX 28“Hot Straightener; Cold Straighteners; Sizing Mill • 16” and 26” Heat Treatment Plants • (2018) Ultrasonic Testing GE KRAUTKRÄMER ; (2016) TAYLOR WILSON Hydrotester • (2017) RAGA Inside + Outside Shotblasting Units; Cut-Off And Circular Saws; Bevelling Machines • (2017) Hydraulic UPSETTING Press Line GFU • (6) Mori-Seiki Sl 80, Sl60, Sl 45, Hw 700 CNC Lathes
Sales Contact: Margot Ter Bogt +31 (0)20 470 0989
Sale In conjunction with
INDEX Editorial
Seco/Warwick. ........................................20 Sharpe Products.....................................46 Shipham Valves Limited..........................54 Sikora AG................................................36 SMS group................................................7 Sofratest..................................................27 STHEMMA Srl.........................................51 Tenova. ...................................................14 TRUMPF.................................................43 Tube Eurasia.............................................8 Uniflex-Hydraulik GmbH . ........................46 Unison...............................................10, 29 voestalpine..............................................21 Voortman Steel Machinery........................6 Wolseley. ................................................55 Xiris Automation......................................33 Yamazaki Mazak UK...............................12
ISTech.....................................................48 KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.......32 Kemppi Oy..............................................38 Lamiera 2023..........................................14 Lantek.....................................................45 The Laser Cutting Co..............................44 Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co KG..............34 MACH 2024............................................16 Magnetic Analysis Corporation.................8 Mason UK...............................................59 Mazak UK...............................................25 Molecor...............................................6, 58 Officine MTM SpA .....................................7 OMS........................................................35 Parker Hannifin .......................................33 Phoenix Inspection Systems Limited......28 Primetals Technologies...........................22 Randolph Tool Co Inc..............................28 Scotchman Industries.............................46
Artrom Steel Tubes.................................58 BLM Group UK..................................26, 51 Buehler....................................................44 Bültmann GmbH.....................................27 CGTech Ltd.............................................49 CMS........................................................30 Combilift..................................................10 Corinth Pipeworks...................................54 Danfoss Power Solutions........................40 Danieli...............................................18, 38 Davis-Standard LLC................................39 ESAB................................................16, 34 FABTECH 2023......................................18 Fine Tubes..............................................57 Fluxtrol Inc..............................................25 Fronius International GmbH....................36 Fronius Welding Automation...................20 Fulkrum...................................................24 Hilco Industrial Acquisitions....................22
JULY 2023
You have tube and pipe to produce.
We can help you do that.
Guild International o ers complete entry systems for your tube and pipe production lines that can be customized to accommodate your particular needs. Our entry systems may include an uncoiler, speed funnel, shearwelder, accumulator, or anything else you may require.
Guild International can design and build the coil joining and mill entry equipment you need to keep your lines up and running smoothly and pro tably. We are the leader in supplying coil joining and
mill entry equipment for the tube and pipe and steel processing industries around the world. Isn’t it time to put Guild’s experience and expertise to work on your tube and pipe production lines?
World Leader in Coil Joining Equipment for the Steel Processing, Tube Producing and Stamping Industries Since 1958 +1.440.232.5887 USA
Rory McBride
Design & production Lisa Wright
Sales & marketing
Jason Smith UK, ROW, USA, Canada, S. America, Germany, Italy,
Austria, Switzerland Tel: +44 1926 834684
2 Editorial index 6 Industry news 7 Diary of tube events 26 Technology news 42 Cutting, sawing & saw blades 64 Advertisers index
Linda Li 中国大陆,台湾, 香港以及远东地区销售代表 Tel: +44 1926 834685
Advertising co-ordinator
Liz Hughes
Louise Jennings
Accounts manager
Louise Jennings
John C Hogg
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July issue • Business & market news
The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
July 2023
• Are expansion loops and expansion joints obsolete? Dealing with the issue of thermal movement in riser pipes
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Photo credit: Erlend Ekseth
Automatic feeding of materials for greater tube bending production efficiency By transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH
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The July Issue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine. In this issue we have an in-depth feature looking at the key subjects of cutting, sawing & sawblades (page 42) and an
June/July 2023 Vol 36 No 4
article from transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH examining automated feeding of material in tube bending machines in order to increase efficiency (page 62). You can also read about a number of other interesting innovations in tube software and automation technology such as: VGPNext from BLM Group (page 26); and welding equipment from Fronius International that adapts to the operator to ensure the best outcome and speed of weld (page 36). Automated machines are becoming ever more prevalent in the tube industry as companies attempt to make processes safer, while also dealing with a global manufacturing skill shortage. In the forthcoming September issue of TPT we will have features on tube mills & rollforming lines; heat & surface treatment & furnaces; and plastic & composite tube production. The Tube Products INTERNATIONAL focus will be on fittings, valves, flanges & connectors and plastic & composite tubes & pipes. The September issue will also be appearing at a number of important trade events such as FABTECH 2023, Tube Southeast Asia and EMO 2023. The editorial deadline for the issue is 2 August if you would like to feature your news in the magazine. If you would like to submit an article, or have any questions, you can contact me at: I hope you enjoy the magazine. Rory McBride – Editor in chief
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
On the cover . . . Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment offers one of the largest inventories of new and used tube mills, roll formers, entry equipment, cut-offs, welders and more. The company also builds new controls and drive systems and can provide on-site support including start-up and commissioning. Since 1985 Universal has specialised
JULY 2023
VOL 36 NO 4
in creating custom tube, pipe and roll forming lines using new, used and reconditioned machinery. The ability to mix and match pieces to build a custom line provides buyers with more budget-friendly options. When it is time to upgrade your current machinery to gain greater efficiency Universal is here for you, located in Northwest Ohio, US. New machinery by Universal & ERWTech is reliable, economical and fully supported. Complete lines are available with new entry system, rolling mill, high-frequency tube mill and welder, high-speed flying saw and packing system. Call Universal to talk about your future projects or current needs.
INDUSTRY Voortman acquires pipe processing machine manufacturer Müller Opladen
medium and large range of profiles. Its distribution network reaches globally, with customers in more than 70 countries and installation of approximately 1,000 machines completed. Its commitment to innovation and quality has gained the trust of many customers across various industries. Voortman aims to provide increased value in growing markets like offshore and energy and process equipment, by expanding its portfolio. The acquisition of Müller Opladen GmbH enables it to broaden its product range with pipe processing technology. The valuable knowledge and experience gained will be invaluable for Voortman’s growth prospects. “The integration of Müller Opladen is an important step forward in meeting the needs of our current and potential customers and offering a complete product portfolio for profile, plate and pipe processing,” said Mark Voortman, CEO of Voortman. Müller Opladen GmbH continues to operate in Germany. Ralf Hamacher, managing director of Müller Opladen GmbH, said: “We’re proud to be part of a very successful and professional international organisation as Voortman. What’s more, starting today, customers of Müller Opladen can take advantage of Voortman’s well-known international network for customer support and consumables.” Voortman Steel Machinery and Müller Opladen GmbH aim to reinforce each other’s markets, increasing the benefits available to all of their customers. “We are excited to welcome Müller Opladen to the Voortman family and are looking forward to jointly creating new business opportunities and driving future growth,” concluded Mr Voortman.
VOORTMAN Steel Machinery, an international manufacturer of CNC steel processing machines, has acquired Müller Opladen GmbH, a leading German manufacturer of pipe processing machines. The acquisition expands Voortman’s product portfolio, adding profile cutting machines for steel pipes, pressure vessels and structural steel. Voortman has been a manufacturer of steel processing machinery and innovative software solutions for more than 50 years. What started with the production of beam processing machines, followed by plate processing machines, has now evolved to the next step: pipe processing machines. The family-owned company aims to build success and create products that provide real solutions for steel processing industries, automation, quality and customer service. With a century-long market presence, Müller Opladen GmbH is a leader in 3D pipe cutting machines for the small,
The acquisition adds profile cutting machines for steel pipes and structural steel to the Voortman portfolio
Voortman Steel Machinery Molecor donates pipes and fittings to Turkey to help rebuild damaged water infrastructure
infrastructure so that affected cities can recover basic services. Water is a basic necessity for the recovery of Turkey and it is intended that with the help of Molecor and the efforts made internationally, full access to this service can be recovered in the area as soon as possible.
THE earthquakes registered in the south of Turkey reached magnitudes of up to 7.7 on the Richter scale and produced devastating effects in the region with a serious impact on the population and the country’s infrastructure. Molecor, a company dedicated to the manufacture of piping and sanitation products, has sent more than 12km of PVC-O TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ®
fittings for the reparation and installation of drinking water supply networks to help the recovery of the country. The urgency of the situation prompted a rapid response from countries, institutions, companies and volunteers to help rebuild the region as quickly as possible. Among the most important tasks was ensuring the safety of all citizens and restoring damaged
JULY 2023
2023 11-14 September FABTECH Chicago, IL, USA 18-23 September EMO-Hannover Hanover, Germany
Order for the supply of a complete tube mill model
OFFICINE MTM SpA has signed another order for the supply of a complete tube mill model MTM170 CS WH HF – MAX OD 254 x 10mm. The tube mill will be equipped with a fully automated coil feed entry line, full option forming and sizing sections (with cartridge system for a quick rolls changing), double blades orbital cut off, packing line with automatic strapping machine.
20-22 September Tube Southeast Asia Bangkok, Thailand
3-5 October Tubotech 2023 São Paulo, Brazil
The tube mill will be equipped with a fully automated coil feed entry line
contract that renews and consolidates the company’s presence in the worldwide market of tube mill’s manufacturers.
The equipment is to be delivered to a premium tube producer and will be operational in 2024. This mill will increase the customer’s capability in terms of range of products and volume of production. Another
29 November – 1 December MTM Expo 2023 Shanghai, China
Officine MTM SpA www.mtm-group-eu
2024 8-11 January
New CTO and member of SMS managing board appointed
Steel Fab Sharjah, UAE 25-28 March Global Industrie Paris, France
HANS Ferkel has taken over as CEO of the new SMS Innovation Hub for future technologies. The new unit of the organisation is to help accelerate and develop innovation. As part of this, there will be new responsibilities in the management for Hans Ferkel, CTO and member of the managing board since 2019. He will lead and build up the new SMS Innovation Hub as CEO. His successor as CTO on the managing board will be Thomas Hansmann, who was most recently responsible for the metallurgy business of SMS group as well as CTO of SMS subsidiary Paul Wurth. ‟With the establishment of the Innovation Hub we will give selected technologies the focused attention and acceleration that we need to be successful in the market,” said Edwin
15-19 April Tube Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany
Hans Ferkel and Thomas Hansmann
15-19 April MACH 2024 Birmingham, UK
Eichler, chairman of the supervisory board at SMS. ‟Mr Ferkel is the ideal person to use his broad know how for this. Mr Hansmann will bring his longstanding technological and metallurgical experience to the managing board.”
11-13 June FABTECH Canada Toronto, Canada
SMS group
All shows are correct at the time of going to print, but are subject to change. Please check to ensure the event is going ahead
Magnetic Analysis Corp celebrates 95 years of developing NDT solutions
MAGNETIC Analysis Corp is celebrating its 95 th Anniversary in business, a milestone that commemorates nearly a century of service to the metals industry. The company, which was founded in a facility in Long Island City, New York, in 1928, has grown to become a leading company in non-destructive testing. Today, operating internationally, MAC helps manufacturers to meet demanding specifications for eddy current, ultrasonic, phased array ultrasonic and flux leakage systems, along with application specific material handling. The 95-year milestone is a testament to MAC’s dedication to customer service and technological advancement. Dudley Boden, MAC’s president and CEO, said: “As we celebrate this anniversary we focus on tomorrow’s opportunities.” He added: “Testing demands placed on the metals industry will undoubtedly become more exacting and complex throughout the next five years, but the MAC team is dedicated – as we always have been – to meeting the high quality standards of our customers and staying one step ahead of the curve.” Joseph Baldauff, MAC’s vice president of technology, said: “Our continual upgrading of existing products and solutions reflects MAC’s ongoing commitment to delivering innovative, powerful and robust solutions for NDT applications. Our success and longevity are due in part to the advanced capabilities we have brought to the market for nearly a century.”
Magnetic UT 25mm test system for inspecting tube
MAC’s non-destructive test systems can be found testing tube, wire and parts in mills throughout the world. Three facilities form the backbone of the company: MAC’s ISO 9001-2015 certified manufacturing and engineering headquarters in Elmsford, New York, US; a manufacturing and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory-certified plant in Boardman, Ohio; and US and Magnetic Analysis Nordic’s manufacturing plant in Östersund, Sweden. With the support of its subsidiaries and field engineering network, MAC serves customers throughout North America, Europe, Scandinavia, South America, India, Korea, China and Australia.
MAC’s original 60Hz electromagnetic tester used to detect cracks in cold drawn bar. Shown at Union Drawn Steel in 1936
Magnetic Analysis Corp, located in Elmsford, New York, is an ISO 9001-2015 certified manufacturer
Magnetic Analysis Corporation
Tube Eurasia welcomes successful first event WITH 210 exhibitors and a total area of 8000m 2 , the premiere of the joint trade fair appearance of Wire TECH Istanbul, Tube & Steel Istanbul and wire and Tube Eurasia recently came to a successful end after four days. be held for the second time in Istanbul, which is the perfect gateway for neighbouring countries and Asia.
innovations and trends in the industries of these key technologies at the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center. “A promising start to the premiere in Istanbul,” said Bernd Jablonowski, executive director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. “A positively charged atmosphere in the exhibition halls right from the start – that makes you want more. The four days of the fair in Istanbul have shown that Turkey is a supra-regional hub for the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries,” said Mr Jablonowski. In 2025, wire and Tube Eurasia will
With just five months to prepare this year’s event the Messe Düsseldorf team and the Turkish organiser Tüyap have succeeded in organising a compact industry platform for Turkey and the surrounding regions that reflects the market of the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries.
Together with Tüyap, the organiser of the two Turkish trade fairs for wire, cable, tubes and pipes, the new events wire and Tube Eurasia was held for the first time. In total, more than 10,000 visitors from Turkey and neighbouring countries took the opportunity to find out about
Tube Eurasia
JULY 2023
Combi-CB70E launched at trade event in Germany
Combilift’s designers have gone to great lengths to ensure that the latest generation of models are kitted out with components that ensure sophisticated ergonomics for a stress-free in-cab environment.
UNISON Ltd, the UK-based inventor of all-electric tube manipulation, has celebrated its 50 th anniversary with a birthday party at its Scarborough HQ. Just short of 100 customers, colleagues, friends and members of the ‘Made In Yorkshire’ trade group attended the event, which began with a hearty brunch and a warm welcome by Unison’s joint managing director, Alan Pickering. Technology talks and machine tool presentations followed – these included demonstrations of Unison’s all-electric Breeze range of tube bending machines, as well as fibre laser cutting machines from Unison’s sister company, Nukon Lasers UK. Unison’s newly released Opt2Sim Scan hand-held 3D tube scanning system – the latest addition to the company’s advanced Opt2Sim Suite of tube simulation software – also AS Combilift continues to celebrate its 25 th anniversary, it has launched the second of five new products planned for this year. The Combi-CB70E was unveiled at Ligna, the international timber and woodworking show in Hanover, Germany. This is a further addition to Combilift’s growing range of electric models, which offer powerful performance, extensive battery life and unrivalled ergonomics. The Combi-CB70E, in the vibrant Combi-green livery first seen on the recently launched Combi-CUBE product, boasts the distinction of being the shortest seven ton capacity counterbalance truck on the market while also benefitting from multidirectional ability, enabling the versatile, space saving handling of both long and bulky loads. Design features incorporated into the high-capacity Combi-CB70E include large super-elastic tyres and compact wheelbase. With a 7,000kg/15,500lb lift capacity, this model benefits from a small footprint as well as exceptional manoeuvrability.
The Combi-CB70E
reduces long load momentum twisting when travelling sideways. Each electric drive incorporates parking and regenerative dynamic braking for power efficiency. Roll-out access for major electrical components also simplifies maintenance tasks. Combilift CEO Martin McVicar said: “The increased capacities that we are offering in our electric range will answer the demand for ever more powerful products, which at the same time helps companies to achieve their aims for more sustainable operations. We are confident that the Combi-CB70E will be a popular addition to our portfolio for diverse industry applications.”
Features in the spacious cab include generous glazing for excellent all round visibility, tilting steering column, hydraulic steering and the Grammer MSG65 seat. Combilift’s newly developed auto swivel seat was also premiered at the show. This optional feature automatically engages and swivels the seat and armrest 15° to the right or left to accord with the direction of travel selected by the operator – reducing driver strain, particularly when travelling in reverse. The truck also features Combilift’s internationally patented and Red Dot awarded independent electric traction, which provides all front and rear drive wheels with 100 per cent traction control. This negates the need for differential lock on slippery surfaces and significantly
Anniversary event in Scarborough marks Unison’s 50 years of tube technology
“It was fantastic to meet customers and friends old and new – many of whom had travelled a considerable distance to celebrate with us. I’d also like to thank every member of the incredible Unison team for the hard work they put into making the day possible. Here’s to another 50 years of intelligent tube technology.” Established in 1973, Unison Ltd is the UK’s leading manufacturer of tube and pipe bending machines and continually innovates the tube and pipe bending marketplace. The company manufactured the world’s first all-electric tube bender in 1994, followed by the world’s first all-electric multi-stack tube bender, then the world’s largest all electric tube bender for the shipbuilding industry.
Alan Pickering and Julian Kidger
attracted a great deal of attention. The event concluded with a buffet lunch, followed by ice creams in the glorious Scarborough sunshine that graced the day. “I’d like to thank everyone who attended and helped make our 50 th anniversary celebrations such a resounding success,” commented Mr Pickering.
JULY 2023
Mazak recruitment open house declared a resounding success YAMAZAKI Mazak has declared its recent recruitment open house event a success and is planning further events to hire more trainees. The recruitment open house attracted 22 attendees with 16 subsequently being offered positions as trainee machine tool builders. The event, which was open to all ages from education leavers through to career changers, was advertised online and through internal notices. Christopher Bills, production manager, assembly at Mazak’s European manufacturing plant at Badgeworth Drive in Worcester, said a change in format helped attract more attendees. “We changed our method because we recognise that not everyone responds well to traditional job interviewing. Our open house events are normally for customers, where we throw open our doors and let people see the facility and how we make our machines. “The recruitment open house was based on this template – more informal with an opportunity to meet the management and supervisory teams to find out more about the Mazak culture and our way of working. Attendees then went on a tour of the
Yamazaki Mazak held an open house at its HQ in the UK
facility to see our machines being made and the advanced technology, including industrial robots and other automation systems we use, along with a tour of the technology centre.” Mr Bills added: “We selected people mainly on attitude as these are trainee vacancies. With a good attitude we can train all the skills required to be a successful machine tool builder. I am delighted that all 16 who were offered a position accepted. The new recruits are now working in a variety of roles including electrical assembly, mechanical assembly and fitting roles.” Mazak’s Worcester, UK facility is one of 11 manufacturing sites across the world and its only machine tool production facility in Europe. The plant employs more than 600 members of staff and has the capacity to manufacture 1,000 machine tools every year for the UK market and for export to Europe.
Yamazaki Mazak UK
JULY 2023
F OREVER Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
F OREVER Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
HF Tube/Pipe Mill Line Cold Roll Forming Machine Slitting Line and Cut-to-length Line Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill Line Tube/Pipe Mill Line ld Roll Forming Machine tting Line and Cut-to-length Line ectly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill Line
Successful conclusion to Lamiera for international tube, section and sheet metal community
The event took place at the fieramilano Rho in Italy
many companies have confirmed their participation in this edition proves the value of this event, which has been able to expand and can rely on the Italian market, the second biggest market worldwide and the leading one in Europe.” Out of the total number of visitors, 7.5 per cent were from abroad, representing 67 countries. The largest delegations came from Albania, Austria, China, Croatia, France, Germany, UK, Spain and Holland.
Promoted by Ucimu-Sistemi Per Produrre, the Italian machine tools, robots and automation systems manufacturers’ association, and organised by Ceu-Centro Esposizioni Ucimu, Lamiera was held just one year after the previous edition, which had been postponed for 12 months due to the Covid-19 public health emergency. Alfredo Mariotti, general manager of UCIMU, said: “The technology characterising this sector has a two year innovation cycle and, therefore, exactly like all other international events dedicated to this field, Lamiera must be biennial. The fact that so
POSITIVE results were achieved at the 22 nd edition of Lamiera, the international exhibition of sheet metal, tube and section cutting, forming and processing technologies, which took place at fieramilano Rho from 10 to 13 May 2023. It is the only trade show in Italy specifically dedicated to the sheet metal field and has become one of the most important events in the international trade fair calendar. The event featured floor space of 40,000m 2 and 400 exhibiting companies, of which 27 per cent came from abroad, representing 22 countries. There were more than 19,000 visitors to the event.
Lamiera 2023
ArcelorMittal chooses Tenova technology for design and supply of plant in Canada
Furnace (EAF) production route, which carries a significantly lower carbon footprint. The investment will reduce annual CO 2 emissions at Hamilton operations by approximately 3 million tonnes, which represents approximately 60 per cent of emissions. The new ENERGIRON ® plant will be able to use Natural Gas (NG) as reducing agent with the possibility to mix it with hydrogen up to 100 per cent. The plant will have the flexibility to use different reducing gases in any combination or proportion, using the same ENERGIRON ® ZR scheme. The technology has the capability to capture and use CO 2 , which will further reduce the overall plant CO 2 emissions and provide an additional revenue stream for the plant operations. The plant will produce hot DRI pellets that will be processed via the proven HYTEMP, a pneumatic transport system, to a new EAF mill to be located next to the ENERGIRON ® plant. “Our mission is to provide our customers with reliable and safe solutions that guarantee flexibility during the current energy transition phase and overall sustainability. This innovative direct reduction plant will help ArcelorMittal to reach its target of reducing carbon emission and Tenova is very proud to be part of this journey,” said Stefano Maggiolino, president and CEO at Tenova HYL.
TENOVA, a leading developer and provider of sustainable solutions for the green transition of the metals industry, was recently chosen by ArcelorMittal Dofasco, one of the flagship locations of ArcelorMittal, for the design and supply of a hydrogen-ready 2.5 million tonnes/year ENERGIRON ® direct reduction (DR) plant, to be located in Hamilton, Canada. The ENERGIRON ® technology, jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli, is the most flexible DR technology for virgin metallic unit production in terms of makeup gases utilisation and is already designed to maximise the reduction of CO 2 emissions. The ArcelorMittal Dofasco plant will transition away from the blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace steelmaking production route to the Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) – Electric Arc The ENERGIRON ® technology, jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli, is the most flexible DR technology for virgin metallic unit production
JULY 2023
Since 1978
40 years of field experience
Tube mill & finishing line pro ducing API 4” to 24” O.D x 20t
pipes, developed w ith adva nc ed
tec hnolog y and v erified th ro ugh c ontinuous R&D based on exte nsiv e field ex perienc e accumulated over 40 years in the tube mill & finishing line.
We provide API, high-strength and high-end tube mill line and an advanced finishing line alongside the latest technology on a turnkey basis. · Tube Mill Line capability of Manufacturing up to 24” · 6-Roll, 7-Roll, and 10-Roll Straightening Line · Max. 2-Head Automatic End Facing & Bevelling M/C · Max. 5-Head, 700bar Hydrostatic Tester · Automatic and Semi-automatic Bundling M/C · Related Equipment and Facilities to Comply with API Standards
4” ~ 8” O.D, Up to 18mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
5” ~ 12” O.D, Up to 16mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
12” ~ 24” O.D, Up to 20mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
BAEKCHUN PRECISION CO., LTD. 252, beoman-ro, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
E-mail :
Homepage :
Tel : +82 31 313 7151~3
Fax : +82 31 313 2305
ESAB stand at Schweissen & Schneiden to showcase tube welding and cutting systems Sustainability at the heart of MACH 2024 WITH challenges mounting for the UK’s engineering-based manufacturers, MACH 2024 organiser, the Manufactur ing Technologies Association is taking a proactive approach to the current situa tion with a show-ready ethos that pro motes the green agenda while offering exhibitors cost-effective solutions for at tractive stands. and diversity, greener events and social responsibility. James Selka DL, CEO of the MTA, said: “Let me be clear, this not a greenwashing exercise. As a not-for profit enterprise with a strong ethos for socially responsible business decisions, the MTA is adopting the AEO guidance into its way of working as it is the right thing to do, both ethically and financially. “We are working on a number of initiatives for the 2024 exhibition, both planned and in place, and while we are by no means fully there yet, the influence on the show will be considerable and set the tone for future events. The approach is in keeping with recommendations from the Association of Event Organisers, which has published guidance for venues, contractors and organisers to promote more sustainable events not just in terms of environmental impact, but true sustainability for encouraging talent “Exhibitors and our host venue, the NEC in Birmingham, are supportive of the changes we are making, and I thank them for their help.” Examples of sustainability approach include the re-use of the MTA exhibition stand from MACH 2022, the development of a ‘Green Mark’ badge of honour for exhibitors adopting re-used stands and as far as possible, a digital-only approach to marketing material. Other initiatives are set to follow in the coming months, while the NEC’s own plan includes an LED light replacement programme, zero waste to landfill policy and recycling sent to a plant just miles from its campus. MACH 2024
a pulsed TIG/MMA inverter featuring a 110mm-wide colour TFT (thin film transistor) operator interface that is as advanced as its arc welding performance. Renegade VOLT™ battery-powered MMA/TIG welder – redefines portability for mobile fabrication and repair. Rogue™ EM (ESAB MIG) and Rogue EMP (ESAB Multi-Process) compact welders – these combine performance, power and affordability to meet the diverse needs of professionals, hobbyists and first-time welders. Next-generation Warrior ® Edge 500 multi-process pulsing power source and RobustFeed Edge wire feeder – Warrior Edge can detect and react to arc behaviour up to 10 times faster than
traditional inverter machines. ESAB Cobot – gives small- and medium-sized fabricators the freedom to automate high-mix applications because it uses an intuitive software app that runs on a standard smart phone or tablet. Made-in-Europe MIG aluminium wires and the new Marathon Pac™ Ultra –holds 22 per cent more wire for more uptime. “Visitors to the ESAB stand will see that our new products reflect the voice of our customers and their request for solutions that improve productivity and quality while addressing the chronic shortage of skilled workers,” said Olivier Biebuyck, president, fabrication technology, ESAB Corporation. “For example, our new operator interfaces use digital displays, quick buttons and synergic controls that simplify set up, yet incorporate advanced functionality and performance not found in legacy machines.” All ESAB power sources feature power inverter designs that meet EU Ecodesign Directives. They improve energy efficiency, lower utility bills and offer lighter weight for more portability and maneuverability around a facility or job site.
ESAB will feature static and live demonstrations of its full portfolio of manual and automated welding and cutting equipment, filler metals, PPE and software applications at stand 6A13 in Hall 6 at Schweissen & Schneiden, held 11 to 15 September in Essen, Germany. Fabricators, manufacturers and metal workers in every industry segment will find solutions that improve their operations. With dozens of new products and technologies launched recently, stand highlights include several new products. Rustler™ EM 350C PRO Synergic – an integrated MIG welder/wire feeder that provides a 350 amp output and adds the benefits of synergic control. Renegade™ ET 210iP Advanced –
ESAB’s welders and plasma cutters features a state-of-the-art inverter design
JULY 2023
JINPIN Tube&Pipe manufacturing equipments
Jinan Jinpin Roller Mould Co.,ltd CAST JINPIN BY SINCERITY
Major Product:Pipe Roller (from 6mm-752mm round pipe to 8*8mm-600*600mm square pipe)
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FABTECH announces expanded conference programme
profitability, meet customer demand and stay competitive.” The FABTECH 2023 conference schedule is built to address the top industry trends impacting manufacturing today. Attendees can build a customised schedule based on their individual or company employee training needs. Key themes include: Robotics – modern robotic technology is already contributing to higher quality products and shorter turnaround times in every sector, performing a wide range of human activities with accuracy. These robots are proving to be effective and prone to fewer errors, require less downtime, and are more cost-effective. Robotic trends such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration and rapid design have intensified and have added to an increased demand for manufacturing robots. Automation – cloud computing, AI and other cutting-edge technologies are revolutionising manufacturing. Attendees will see how they can adapt these solutions to target sustainability, productivity, supply chain issues, workforce shortages and more. Smart manufacturing – experts will discuss strategies for streamlining operations through predictive planning, cybersecurity measures, and the development of digital twin technology, among other tactics. Attendees can also participate in an in-depth bootcamp
FABTECH, North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event, has opened registration for its biggest conference program to date. Attendees can choose from more than 180 curated sessions and workshops offering insights and innovative solutions to transform their careers and business operations. Conference topics including auto- mation, robotics, smart manufacturing, job shop solutions, stamping, finishing, workforce development, welding and forming and fabricating will help attendees stay ahead of the latest industry trends and advancements to increase productivity and profitability, harness leading-edge technology and build a talent pipeline. An estimated 45,000 people will attend FABTECH 2023, which runs from 11 to 14 September at McCormick Place in Chicago. “The FABTECH conference is a one-stop resource where industry professionals will find inspiration as well as practical strategies to help their businesses evolve with the fast-paced changes shaping manufacturing,” said Tracy Garcia, CEM, FABTECH group director at SME. “Attendees can learn about today’s most urgent topics – such as leveraging smart technologies for operational excellence, using robotics in metal fabrication and overcoming labour shortages with automation – so they can maximise their productivity and
that covers essential aspects of smart manufacturing. 3D/Additive manufacturing – these sessions will explore one of the fastest growing technologies for manufacturing complex, highly detailed parts. Topics will include business considerations, industrial applications, and smart simulations and portable factories for additive manufacturing. In addition to the conference, an expansive show floor will deliver access to more than 1,400 exhibiting companies and suppliers showcasing the latest products and innovations across every facet of the industry. FABTECH 2023 will feature an expanded conference programme
Danieli MIDA Hybrid minimill ordered by Tata INVESTMENT in a Danieli MIDA Hybrid QLP minimill for the production of long products is part of Tata Steel’s commitment to invest in a circular economy and to transition to low-carbon steelmaking. power loads with high flexibility and reliability by using semiconductor devices. This results in lower energy, electrode and refractory consumption, along with zero-impact on the power network. Hybrid by design, it allows the direct use of renewable sources generated at the site. Octocaster featuring ECO-PowerMould and FastCast Cube oscillator, to operate at an hourly productivity of 112 tons, connected to the rolling mill for uninterrupted production. The 18-stand ultra-compact rolling mill featuring two 6-pass, fast-finishing blocks will roll rebar ranging from 8 to 40mm diameter.
The new MIDA will be installed in the North of India, in Ludhiana, Punjab, and will have an annual capacity of 750,000 tons of quality rebar, mainly in 550SD grade and it will start operation by the end of 2024. The minimill will feature the Danieli patented Digimelter and Octocaster feeding an ultra-compact rolling mill. Q-One power feeder handles irregular
The 75 ton Zerobucket Digimelter will receive preheated scrap thorough the ECS continuous scrap-charging and preheating system. Danieli Q-Melt advanced process control offers dynamic and automatic optimisation of the melting profile. Endless casting rolling is powered by a single-strand
Danieli MIDA QLP minimill is the benchmark technology for production thanks to stable production, quick plant ramp-up and lower operational costs.
Danieli SpA
JULY 2023
Tube welding solutions during a time of skills shortages
solid training that welders can learn to produce high-quality welds that rarely require rework and with few rejects. This is where the greatest potential for saving time and resources lies. And this applies to manual welding as well as automated production lines. The Fronius Welducation simulator takes virtual welder training to a completely new level. Encased in standard welding system housing, it features real welding torches and a realistic representation in augmented reality (AR). The Welducation Campus platform that comes with the simulator facilitates comprehensive quality welder training covering the theory, welding tasks, and knowledge testing. This type of training requires no gas, material, or filler wire at all, making it the ideal solution for saving money and the environment. The demo of the new Fronius TIG solution will be one of the highlights of the trade show. The iWave with cold wire feed technology and TIG DynamicWire welding package can help all TIG novices, or those with less experience, to achieve perfect TIG welds. The dynamic wire control actively adjusts the wire speed to the welding behaviour, torch position and current conditions, allowing users to fully focus on the arc. The process adapts to the welder, not the other way round. Alongside excellent training, standardisation can help to ensure quality from the first to the last component. The WeldCube Navigator from Fronius marks the launch of a
AT the Schweissen & Schneiden trade show in Essen, Germany, taking place from 11 to 14 September 2023, Fronius will focus on some of the current trends in welding technology. Quality requirements are rising across all industries, but the availability of the necessary welding specialists is reducing. Resource efficiency is also highly important from an economic and ecological perspective, especially when it comes to filler metals, gas and energy. This means it is essential to avoid production errors and time-consuming rework. Fronius Perfect Welding will be presenting the necessary technology at the leading international trade show for welding technology later this year. Fronius is extending its welding portfolio to include several solutions designed to counter skills shortages. “Our approach is to use digital tools to help ensure welding quality, reduce material usage and ensure ease of use and technological assistance – both for beginners and professionals,” said Harald Scherleitner, general director sales and marketing, perfect welding, Fronius International GmbH. “We carry out research and development with and for our customers. We understand their concerns and are delighted to present all our innovations at this trade show.” People and their skills and abilities lie at the heart of all the solutions that Fronius is exhibiting at the trade show. Fronius high-end welding systems offer all the technology you need to create perfect weld seams, but it is only through
Fronius high-end welding systems offer technology to help create perfect weld seams
digital tool which standardizes work instructions and simplifies knowledge transfer. Welders are guided through their tasks with on-screen step-by-step instructions, which both increases weld quality and makes familiarisation and training easier and faster. The Fronius team are looking forward to demonstrating these innovations at the at the trade show in Essen at Stand 3B55.
Fronius Welding Automation
RETECH wins awards for leadership and innovation in metallurgical processing
company’s innovations are not limited to producing modern furnaces or advanced assembly lines. Innovation is a sequence of activities leading to the creation of new or enhanced products, technological processes, and organisational systems.
in metallurgical processing equipment and a supplier that has been focused on the creation of innovative products that provide customers with the safest, most dependable, and most responsible metallurgical solutions on the market. Seco/Warwick creates and develops technologies that advance heat treatment and vacuum metallurgy. However, the
RETECH has been acknowledged as an “innovative metallurgical equipment specialist” and its managing director as “one of the top 20 most dynamic business leaders” at two recent awards. Retech, a Seco/Warwick Group company, was acknowledged by Acquisition International Magazine of AI , which cited Retech as a global leader
JULY 2023
voestalpine Stahl Donawitz to expand integrated quality control system
Thanks to the new order, product quality will be automatically evaluated across the complete production chain: at the ladle furnace, the converter, the secondary metallurgy stage and the vacuum degassing plant. The installation of this extension will be carried out together with additions to the existing system at the CC4 continuous caster. In addition, the TPQC system is currently being implemented at continuous caster CC3. Digital assistance functions and statistical process control, among other things, are used to establish which measures will lead to the most significant improvements. The system interfaces with business intelligence platforms and allows for simple and fast visualisation of data.
PRIMETALS Technologies has received a new order from voestalpine for implementing the knowledge-based quality control system Through-Process Quality Control (TPQC) at the steel plant in Donawitz, Austria. Implementation is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2023. The new solution enables automatic and seamless long-term data evaluation in the meltshop. After each production step, product and process quality is automatically evaluated, so that the products can be linked to customer requirements. Plant operators and process engineers will get access to functionality allowing for extensive process evaluation. The system’s findings can then be used as a basis for further optimisation measures. This will result in improved quality of both production processes and end products. For more than a year and a half, voestalpine has used the TPQC system
The Through-Process Quality Control solution will enable seamless long-term data archiving
for the CC4 continuous caster at its site in Donawitz. Marco Vauti, project manager for plant expansion, shares his experience: “The TPQC system’s capability to evaluate data sets acquired over the long term is particularly helpful in our efforts to continuously optimise our production processes and product quality.”
The stationary PBM pipe end preparation machines, for fast beveling of all types of materials, are the strongest bevel machines in the market.
JULY 2023
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