TPT July 2022
Internet of Things helps to boost tube industry FUNDAMENTAL shifts are taking place in how the global production and supply network operates through ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology, large-scale machine to-machine communication (M2M), and the Internet of Things (IoT). This integration results in automation, improving communication and the use of smart machines that can analyse and diagnose issues automatically. Benefits of 4IR in the manufacturing industry include improved process control, improved quality, time-efficiency and increased productivity. IoT allows manufacturers to observe machinery from a distance; companies can manage the process nonstop. It can obtain essential maintenance data, which allows estimating the current condition of machinery, determining warning signs, transmitting alerts, and activating the corresponding repair processes. quantity and quality output. For optimum remote service, Copier Machinery has all its machines connected to the IoT. Its automatic Beaver S series, Beaver CNC, Beaver CB, RTL Z, RTL ZX and Groove Master are equipped with IoT. The application is beneficial for the end user of the machine; it reduces the cost in terms of maintenance. The embedded IoT sensors in machines can detect operational malfunctions and give an alert. Subsequently, the IoT router in the automatic machines allows Copier Machinery to easily access the machines for remote maintenance.
Remote production control allows centralised supervision over machinery in the production process. Data obtained through distant control gives clearer and faster insight into the production area. Copier Machinery follows these developments by implementing M2M solutions, and by connecting to MES systems. At this moment it works on local data logging systems, and the development of software that uses this data to reduce downtime of machinery and helps to improve the production process, which will give an improved
Manufacturing is one of the sectors that has benefited from innovations in technology; the industry is going through a digital transformation. M2M, IoT, big data, analytics, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are helping to scale up businesses at a fast pace. IoT is so-called physical objects that are installed with software, sensors and intelligent processors that exchange data over the internet. Once the objects start exchanging data, software processes it and might perform designated actions such as sending alerts.
The quantity of production will increase by decreasing downtime, but users will also be able to improve the quality of the products because they will gain insight into the process. In addition, production can be planned according to a schedule, and the production can be centralised using SCADA.
Copier Machinery
Tube endforming tools
Whether your endforming application requires aring, belling, beading, reducing, or another form, you can rely on SelectForm® Whether your endforming application requires belling, beading, aring, reducing, or another form, you can rely on SelectForm® endforming tools for safe, accurate, fast and reliable performance. Our endforming tools are engineered to your unique tube speciications and produce endforms with minimal marring.
endforming tools for safe, accurate, fast and reliable performance. Our endforming tools are engineered to your unique tube speciications and produce endforms with minimal marring. Before
Model 400 Series Bell End Forming Tool (Shown Here)
Learn more at:
*Tools are designed to be used with our Model 400 Hydraulic Power Supply. Each endform requires a separate tool.
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JULY 2022
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