TPT July 2015
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Additional entry points provide for operators’ gloves. A service panel incorporates access ports for welding torches, electrical leads and cooling water supplies. A purge gas entry port and an exhaust valve to vent displaced gas to atmosphere are incorporated into each enclosure. In the unlikely event that a repair is necessary, it can be carried out by the user on-site. A kit is provided with each enclosure for this eventuality. Cost Size for size, the HFT ® range costs less than ten per cent of a metal glove box and only two per cent that of a vacuum system. Flexibility Size and shape can be made to meet customer requirements. Standard models from 0.3 to 3m 3 are available from stock. Weight is very low and the enclosures occupy little space – the collapsed volume of a 1.25m-diameter system is less than 0.2m 3 and it weighs only 8kg. They can thus be moved easily and stored efficiently, so floor footprint is minimised. Large viewing area The entire upper section is manufactured from optically transparent ultraviolet stabilised engineering polymer. This offers the opportunity for use by several operators at the same time – ideal for training purposes. Multiple access points Systems can be manufactured with numerous access loca- tions for personnel gloves and gas/electrical entries. Large leak-tight zips afford easy access for components. Flexible Welding Enclosures ® are now used by leading manufacturing companies across the globe.
The aerospace, automotive, biochemical, medical, food and beverage, semiconductor and nuclear sectors all take advantage of the low cost and ease of use. All these operations are exposed to some extent to the need for extreme levels of quality control over cleanliness during manufacture. Contamination introduced during fabrication can so easily lead to loss of strength and corrosion resistance. Particulate contamination raises issues of expensive litigation or at best rejection of product. All standard enclosures are packed in a box 1,160 x 670 x 280mm, irrespective of size, and their shipping weights are typically: • 7.2kg for a 36" (900mm) diameter enclosure
• 8.7kg for a 48" (1,200mm) model • 10.7kg for a 60" (1,500mm) size
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT ® – UK Tel: +44 1554 836836 Fax: +44 1554 836837 Email: Website:
J uly 2015
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