TPT July 2015
Technology News
framag’s latest technology for cold circular saws
six months following that, the cutting parameters and the tooth geometry of the saw blades used were perfected such that the tools of the cold circular saws now have a service life that is roughly 200 per cent longer than those of the previous band saws. The newly installed cold circular saw from framag also boasts roughly 100 per cent higher productivity than the two previous band saws combined. The cold circular saw supplied by framag has enabled SBOT to saw the challenging material grades that are required for drill rods by suppliers to the oil industry efficiently, cost-effectively and with a high cut quality. Mr Ehn, production manager at SBOT, said: “The framag saw was ordered following tests which showed it to be the best saw in terms of cut quality, blade service life and automatic operation. The KKS 1000 model is used in place of three band saws. After a year of operation, the decision has proved to be the right one.”
The KKS 1000 is a cold circular saw suitable for a maximum diameter of the billet to be split of up to 380mm and is capable of efficiently sawing low-alloyed to high-alloyed steels with short cycle times resulting in high productivity. The system is equipped with a saw blade with brazed teeth and an additional coating. Any slivers of material that are stuck to the saw blade are removed with a brush and the blade cooled. The complete sawing cycle, including feeding of the billets and removal of the finished cut parts, is fully automated. During commissioning of the system in 2013 and over a period of about
IN 2012 framag, a company supplying the latest cold circular saws for all types of steel, was commissioned by Schöller Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH (SBOT) to replace two existing band saws with a new, ultra-modern KKS 1000 cold circular saw. The aim was to reduce the cutting time for the high- and ultra-high-alloyed steels to be cut at SBOT, while at the same time increasing the service life of the saw blades. Both the price/ performance ratio offered and the results achieved in previous test cuts with the material used prompted SBOT to award the contract for supplying the sawing system to framag.
framag – Austria Website:
Induction technology for OCTG pipe end heating applications
time and easily adapts to OD variation. Additionally, only four coil sizes are required to cover the entire range of OCTG pipe diameters, but specific coil diameters are available. The shaped flux concentrator allows for complete repeatable results even when the pipe is placed non- concentrically in the coil itself. Infrared, thermal imaging and intuitive data logging functionality can be specified by the customer in order to satisfy the stringent quality requirements within the OCTG market. Inductotherm Heating & Welding – UK Email: Website:
frequency system, which provides deep, uniform temperature distribution, ID/OD, both laterally and longitudinally along extended lengths of pipe ends. The pipe end exits the coil immediately with a repeatable temperature uni- formity of ± 25°C (77°F) – no soak time is required. The IROSS Fluxmanager system has quickly become recognised and adopted into the OCTG sector as standard equipment and when compared with traditional medium frequency pipe end heating techniques, the IROSS Fluxmanager allows greater control of end heating, with a shaped intensifier to concentrate power on the work piece. The system heats within tight specifications at a reduced cycle
INDUCTOTHERM Heating & Welding Ltd recently supplied its range of IROSS Fluxmanager equipment to a number of leading pipe manufacturers within the OCTG sector. The IROSS Fluxmanager is designed for use in an array of pipe end heating applications for a variety of tubular goods including drill pipe, casing and API pipe. Suited to the OCTG sector, the IROSS Fluxmanager system is specifically designed for use in applications such as preheat for swaging, hardening, annealing, removal of coatings and curing, friction welding and stress relieving. The patented Fluxmanager unit utilises an efficient 50/60Hz low
J uly 2015
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