TPT July 2011
I ndustry N ews
Hobas wins ISTT No-Dig Award AFTER receiving the national No Dig Award from the Polish Society for Trenchless Technology (PSTT) in 2010, Hobas has now won the internationally renowned ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology) No-Dig Award together with the construction company group PBG. 3m large Hobas CC-GRP jacking pipes were utilised for the trenchless installation of an intercepting sewer leading to the wastewater plant ‘Czajka’ in Warsaw. The pipes’ XXL diameter and the length of microtunnelled line were not the project’s only impressive features. Thanks to the properties of the pipe material, national as well as international records were broken regarding the single drive lengths from one pit up to 930m, the peak installation speed of 36m per day and the small
Stresses and scarring protection SYNTHO-SLEEVE™ is designed to protect welded field joints on pipelines from the abrasion stresses and scarring of directional drilling and boring. Syntho- Sleeve provides mechanical protection to the preapproved corrosion coating of your choice, such as viscous elastic coatings, epoxy coatings, shrink sleeves, and cold applied tapes. This unique product has a faster setting time, is easier to apply, has a very low profile, is extremely conformable, and is impact resistant. The result is cost-effective, long-term protection against corrosion for buried pipelines. Typical applications for this product are horizontal directional drilling, boring, coating repairs, and coating protection. Neptune Research – USA Website:
number of drives on the 5.7km partly curved lengths. Implemented by assignment of the MPWiK Warsaw (City Waterworks) and supported by the EU Cohesion Fund, the job is part of the largest environmental EU project, ‘Water Supply and Sewage Treatment for Warsaw’. Microtunnelling 5.7km of 3,000mm diameter Hobas CC-GRP pipes with state-of-the-art trenchless technology led to the shortest possible installation time and kept impact on the environment and city-life to a minimum. With the combination of installation method and chosen pipe material the PBG Group executed an economically and ecologically beneficial solution, while providing long service life. The project drew more than 500 international visitors including the GSTT convention to the site in Warsaw during the 13 months of installation works, and convinced the ISTT jury of the technological importance this successfully implemented project presents. Hobas Engineering GmbH – Austria
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J uly 2011
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