TPT July 2011
液压辊式弯板机 自1971年以来,Sergi公司一直专供辊式弯板机和型材弯曲机的设计和制造。在35年的经验后,公 司开始构思新的高水平型号,用来处理更高的厚度(高达200毫米)。 新的EvoRoll是一台三辊液压弯板机,有不同的几何形状,能够加工10到200毫米厚的钢板。两侧辊 可独自行动,用来创造出加工所需的各种几何形状,从而降低预弯曲平头。 该机器尤其适合轧制各种应用领域的厚壁管和锥形部件,如压力容器、石油和天然气行业、管道、 重型汽轮机、风塔、储罐和造船。 EvoRoll机的主要优点是因其侧辊的高度倾斜(达到130毫米)以及带移动头的Sergi制动系统,使其 能够生产厚壁储罐锥体。该机器配有一个快速释放系统,能快速更换顶部轧辊,能够增加加工厚度 范围。 轧辊导架和机器的可动部件都是由青铜石墨制成,自润滑性使其不再需要额外的润滑,而且具有能 保持导架不沾油污的优势。 机器的全部动作是由西门子可编程控制器控制的。它使用一个内部开发程序管理机器定位的主要功 能。液压系统全由可编程控制器控制,允许完美转换以及顶部轧辊的旋转和底部轧辊的转换的同时 运行,收获了速度和生产效率。 Sergi Srl – 意大利 EZTM JSC has begun designing a new generation of tube-rolling plant and the principle of efficiently fragmented technological process (EFTP) forms the basis of the project. The essence of the EFTP principle is that the technological process is divided into smaller subprocesses that are used to allow the flexible development of different manufacturing processes depending on the market requirement of the finished products. The use of this principle for designing the tube-rolling plant allowed three tube rolling technological schemes to be included. This allows the production of small and large batches of tubes of a wide range of product sizes and grades with minimum expenses for the resetting of the equipment. The 7-stand continuous mill of the new generation uses MPM Quattro technology, which will be used as an elongator. Eight-sided wall reduction is performed on the long retained mandrel of MPM Quat- tro mill (of the 3-high mill – 6-sided wall reduction, of the classic 2-high MPM mill – 4-sided one). This decision provided friction conditions at the outer tube surface similar to the three-high scheme; this keeps the friction processes at the inner tube surface to a minimum at the mandrel extracting by implementing the technology of increasing of tube cross-section perimeter as compared to mandrel section perimeter, similarly to MPM mill technology ( the use of such technology in a three-high mill is impossible); decreasing the transverse thickness variation of the produced tubes (the technology has the potential to reach the thickness variation parameter up to the value of ±4%); the distinctive feature of the new MPM Quattro technology is that it can be applied for both building new tube- rolling plants with continuous mill and retrofitting of existing MPM mills. ЭЗТМ разрабатывает трубопрокатную установку нового поколения КомпанияЭЗТМприступилакразработкетрубопрокатнойустановкиновогопоколения.Воснову этого проекта заложен принцип эффективно фрагментированного технологического процесса (ЭФТП). Суть принципа ЭФТП заключается в том, что технологический процесс разбивается на ряд подпроцессов для возможности гибкой разработки различных производственных процессов в зависимости от рыночного спроса на готовую продукцию. Fax: +39 030611820 Email: Website: - - - - EZTM designed new generation of tube-rolling plant
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