TPT July 2010
I nspectIon & t estIng
Better steels call for better testing
A video sequence provides qualitative information about the test event, and the software also allows quantitative information to be extracted. Integrated high-speed video offers an advantage in many application areas and is available as an option for any of the Imatek range of impact testers or in a stand-alone mode, making it a general purpose tool that can be utilised by other parts of a user’s operation. The system is already proving useful in the testing of steel tensile specimens at high rate, enabling detailed analysis for the deformation of the specimen gauge length to be undertaken. Imatek Ltd – UK Fax: +44 1438 829054
IMATEK Ltd is a UK-based manufacturer of materials testing equipment used primarily in the fields of impact testing and polymer melt rheology. The company’s machines are used to test the properties of materials, components and assemblies, within a wide
Steel grades of X120 and specimens of up to 50mm can be accommodated. A major feature of the Imatek range is the instrumentation and analysis software that provides high quality information, both graphical and tabular, for the specimen failure. Historically the DWTT test method has not required instrumentation, but recent research indicates that it is of significant benefit when testing the tougher x-steels. Instrumentation enables crack initiation and, most importantly, propagation energies for the specimen to be determined which is considered a better measure of ‘in-use’ performance for these steels. Imatek also offers an integrated high-speed video option that enhances understanding of the behaviour of a specimen as it undergoes impact. Imatek’s Integrated High Speed Video system uses its C3008 data acquisition system to combine signals recorded during a test event together with high-speed video imagery, all under the control of the ImpAcqt software. Since the camera and the data acquisition share the same trigger, data points and images can be precisely correlated.
range of industries including aerospace,polymerprocessing, automotive, academic research and steel production. The use of higher grade steels in oil and gas pipeline construction is creating the need for a new generation of specialist impact testers. Imatek offers a range of drop weight tear testers (DWTT) for measuring the fracture
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Test specimens
characteristics of steel specimens according to API r e c omme n d e d practice 5L3, EN 10274 and ASTM-E 436.
Imatek offers a range of drop weight tear testers
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