TPT July 2010
I ndustry N ews
CRC-Evans welding equipment chosen for Midcontinent Express Pipeline in USA
CRC-EVANS automatic welding equipment was selected for use on the Louisiana section of the Midcontinent Express Pipeline. Now completed, the 507-mile Midcontinent Express Pipeline is a joint venture of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners and Energy Transfer Partners, and delivers natural gas from Oklahoma, across northeast Texas, northern Louisiana, central Mississippi and into Alabama. Two contractors worked on the Louisiana portion of the MEP: Associated Pipeline Contractors, Inc constructed 65 miles, and Willbros Construction worked on Spreads A, B and C – a distance of 179 miles. The contractors used various combinations of the CRC-Evans Internal Welding Machine, the P260 External Welder, and the P600 External Welder for their projects. In Louisiana, CRC-Evans equipment completed a total of 14,784 welds in the 42" diameter pipeline. The CRC-Evans IWM provides faster, more accurate welds in the field by combining lineup mechanisms and an internal welder that automatically deposits the root bead in 1.25 minutes. The P260 welder provides tip-to-work tracking, 32-pass programmable welding, PDA downloads in the field, and position-based
The pipeline will stretch 507 miles through the USA
parameter control. The P600 External Welder has single or dual-torch operation, through-the-arc tracking, onboard data collection, and touch screen control. CRC-Evans Automatic Welding designs and builds the world’s most widely used automaticwelding system for land or offshore pipeline construction. In addition to renting or selling these systems to contractors on a project basis, the division provides other specialized services such as engineering, on-site technicians, and training. The company is a subsidiary of CRC-Evans Pipeline International, a leading provider of
specialised equipment and services for the construction of pipelines. CRC-Evans manufactures pipeline construction equipment and automatic welding systems, and provides managed subsea services, field joint coating, weighting, heat treatment, and inspection services. Based in Houston, CRC-Evans maintains offices in North America, Europe and the Middle East. CRC-Evans – USA Email: in.snave-crc@wa Website: company her strong financial expertise and understanding of strategic analysis. We will all miss her team spirit, friendship and multicultural experience,” added Thierry Pilenko. Technip – France Email: Website:
Obituary: Germaine Gibara
IT is with deep regret and sorrow that Thierry Pilenko, chairman and chief executive officer, and the board of directors of Technip announce the death on 21 April of Germaine Gibara, member of the board of directors, chairman of
the strategic committee and member of the nominations and remunerations committee of Technip. They extend their sincere condolences to her family and friends. “Germaine joined Technip’s Board in 2007 and brought to the
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J uly 2010
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