TPT July 2009
T echnology U pdate
The latest technology for PVC-O pipes
Molecular orientation is a physical process that modifies the molecular structure of plastic. Amorphous PVC-U structure is reorganised into a layered structure that provides plastic pipes with outstanding properties such as high impact resistance (almost unbreakable), high stiffness and fatigue resistance, an excellent behaviour with external loads, and maximum flexibility. PVC-O pipes also offer a greater hydraulic capacity, minimum loss of pressure and a reduction in wall thickness and therefore weight, providing transportation and installation savings. These improvements are made with lower raw material consumption for the same requirement of pipe, resulting in cost reduction. PVC-O pipes are an environmentally friendly solution for water transportation according to ‘Estimation of energy consumption and
CO 2 emissions due to production, usage, and final usage of PVC, HDPE, PP, cast iron and concrete pipes’, Department of Engineering Projects, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, December 2005). This report shows the CO 2 emissions and energy consumption due to raw material production, pipe manufacturing, usage and usage life of pipes for water transportation comparing PVC-O, PVC-U, PE and cast iron pipes. Molecor, Spain, has developed its own technology to manufacture PVC-O pipes. The completely new system uses the best features of in-batch and in-line systems. Molecor System is an in-batch system that has been improved in such a way that is able to absorb the production of an extruder working in line with it. Molecor System is said to have all the advantages of an in-batch system – stability, high orientation degree, wide range of products (diameter and pressure), and ease of use – and also the advantages of an in-line system – layout compatibility and efficiency. Molecor’s completely automatic installations use a full dry system. There is no water involved in the whole process, and this provides safety (no boiling water), efficiency (no inertial tanks involved), no wet floors, no wet pipes and no jams at saws, and low energy consumption.
Amorphous PVC-U structure (green in colour), subjected to molecular orientation adopts a layered structure. The higher the orientation class, the more defined layers there will be (blue section class 500, and white section class 400)
PVC-O pipes are in ideal choice for water transportation
The properties provided by molecular orientation
Changing from one diameter to another takes less than one hour. Sockets can be produced at the same time the pipe is oriented, maintaining unaffected orientation degree. The Molecor installation is designed to work either in-line or off-line. Its quick start- up allows the user to manufacture small batches of certain diameters off-line. The system has a low learning curve, and features a recipe system. Upon entering the recipe of the pipe to be manufactured, all parameters (pressure, temperature, speed, etc) are automatically set, avoiding the possibility of human error. Molecor Tecnología SL – Spain Fax : +34 902 106 273
Molecor has developed its own technology to manufacture PVC-O pipes
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J uly 2009
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