TPT July 2009

REGIOMONTANA DE PERFILES Y TUBOS , i s an i nno v a t i v e and l e ad i ng t ube s manu f a c t u r i ng c ompany, l o c a t ed i n Mon t e r r e y, Mex i c o . The y p r odu c e c a r bon s t e e l t ube s f r om ½” t o 6” O.D. , ho t and c o l d r o l l ed , p i c k l ed and g a l v an i z ed f o r c on s t r u c t i on and i ndu s t r i a l app l i c a t i on s , a t a s pe ed up t o 180 me t e r s pe r mi nu t e . To realize high quality products in order to meet inter national quality standard with a ver y high reliability, REGIOMONTANA DE PERFILES Y TUBOS selected and installed three EMMEDI Classic Vacuum Tube HF Welders 250-350-450 KW output power. The Classic Emmedi welders demonstrated an outstanding reliability, easy to use and weld quality.


Leinì, Piedmont, Italy


EMMEDI Via Torino, 213 I-10040 Leinì (Torino) ITALY

Tel. +39.011.9977999 Fax. +39.011.9974328 E-mail:


high frequency tube welder


Powerful, vigorous, approachable, well balanced, simple, refined


suitable for very long aging

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