TPT July 2009
I ndustry N ews
Gallium awarded for export excellence
Two events for the Iranian market
Gallium Industries Limited, India, established in 1985, is among leading manufacturers of tube mills and tube finishing equipment in India. Gallium’s product range includes HR/CR slitting lines and equipment for cold drawn tubes like push pointing machines, draw benches, straightening machines and hydro-testing machines. The company recently received an EEPC (Engineering Export Promotion Council)
Recent sales by Gallium include a 500KN high-speed draw bench to Switzerland, and an automatic hydrotesting machine, push pointing machine and four automatic draw benches to one of India’s largest stainless steel tube producers, M/s Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Limited of Gujarat. Gallium Industries Limited – India Fax : +91 129 2309619
Two new events have been organised, that will assist companies interested in expanding into the Iranian market. Pipex 2009 Tube, Pump, Valve and Isolation Fair took place in June, in a 5,350m 2 hall in Iran’s capital city, Tehran. Confair 2009 Construction and Building Materials Fair is scheduled for 28-31 July 2009, in a 40,000m 2 venue with 21 halls, also in Tehran. Event organisers expect 650 exhibitors to participate. Iran is a large market, and in recent years has become the largest country in the region in terms of the construction market. 171 dams are planned for construction within the next 10 years throughout the country. Pipex&Confair2009 Tehran – Iran Email :
Email : Website : Mr Bharat Bhushan receiving the award from Mr R S Gujral
award for its outstanding contribution to engineering exports during the year 2006-07. Mr Bharat Bhushan, assistant general manager marketing, received the award from Mr R S Gujaral, director general of foreign trade and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
J uly 2009
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