TPT July 2009
I ndustry N ews
Bundled competence in extrusion
As a system supplier, KraussMaffei Berstorff provides all important extrusion processes for plastic and rubber processing from a single source. KraussMaffei Berstorff capabilities range from compounding, to tube, profile, sheeting and board extrusion, physical foaming, production of technical rubber articles and semi-finished tire products using single extruders through to complete extrusion lines for large- scale chemical, automobile, construction, furnishing and pharmaceuticals industries. Greiner Extrusion is a leader in plastics profile extrusion tooling and machinery for plastic profile extrusion, through to complete plant for plastic window production. The company has a pilot plant and research operations in Austria, China, the USA and France, a service centre in the UK and representation in Russia. KraussMaffei Berstorff – Germany Fax : +49 89 8899 3092 Website : Greiner Extrusion – Austria Fax : +43 505 41 41 631 Email : Website :
Greiner Extrusion, Austria, and KraussMaffei Berstorff, Germany, agreed to intensify their long-term cooperation, in negotiations held in Munich, Germany in February. KraussMaffei Berstorff has supplied Greiner Extrusion with some 400 extruders to date.
Joint projects are now to be implemented in the Ukraine, Iran, Columbia and Russia, among others. The two partner companies are also currently erecting a large-scale plant to produce house construction components in Venezuela. This will serve panel structure prefabricated housing production as the basis of major residential projects. The two producers of profile extrusion technology will closely align their global sales and service activities. The strengthening of the teamwork includes joint sales and customer training efforts and a global presence at specialist trade fairs and symposiums. The technical aligning of tooling and extruders together with joint developments are a further focus of the strengthened partnership. The partnership has declared Eastern Europe, Russia, South America, Africa, South-East Asia and India as promising markets for its activities.
Dr Jens Liebhold, head of the Munich extrusion division of KraussMaffei Berstorff (right), and Greiner Extrusion CEO Mag Robert Grieshofer
J uly 2009
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