TPT July 2007
C ontents
E ditorial I ndex
Gaining some first-hand experience Due to office work and the sterile nature of exhibitions – with their pristine halls and stage- managed bustle – it is not always easy to get a true sense of the tube and pipe industry: the dirt, the grind and the risk of danger. In fact, my view of the nuts and bolts of our industry is often restricted to a comfy contemplation from behind a computer screen. This is why it is always interesting, although downright inconvenient, to experience part of our industry in action. The main road near my home has just been closed for summer so that the 50-year old, 15" gas mains can be renewed, with old metal pipes being replaced by advanced durable plastic polyethylene (PE) pipes. The sight of the road strewn with mud, safety barriers, diggers and rolls of plastic pipe, gives a very real perspective on the ordered chaos of end-use. Peering into one of the trenches in the road (and hopefully not falling in!), it is possible to view a segment of cut-away metal pipe, soon to make way for the new PE pipe (which they claim will last for eighty years). This is clearly an activity taking place regularly across the world as creaking infrastructures are overhauled and systems upgraded. And the work near me has obviously been timed very well by the National Grid, as this issue of Tube & Pipe Technology carries a feature on ‘Plastic & composite tube and pipe’ (see page 86-106). This work has given me the opportunity to connect the images and editorial on my computer screen with the first-hand evidence at the end of my road.
I ndustry N ews
T echnology U pdate
F rom T he A mericas
112 A dvertisers I ndex
Also featured in this issue is the exciting new exhibition in Brazil: Tubotech 2007. Now in its fourth year, Tubotech has grown fast in exhibitor numbers – mirroring the success of the Brazilian economy. This year will be the first time that the exhibition has been co-organised by Grupo Cipa and Messe Düsseldorf, which has led to an increase in international exhibitors. In order to gain even more first-hand experience and meet some readers, I’ll be attending Tubotech in October. Rich Sears Editor • Email:
Incorporating Tube & Pipe Asia
Editor • Rich Sears Features editor (USA) • Dorothy Fabian Editorial assistant • Christian Bradley Production manager • Lisa Benjamin Design • Julie Tomlin
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• Catherine Sayers English speaking sales • Giuliana Benedetto Italian sales • Hendrike Griffin German speaking sales • Linda Li Chinese sales • Jeroo Vandrevala Indian sales
Advertising co-ordinator
• Liz Hughes
Accounts manager
• Richard Babbedge
• Liz Hughes
• Caroline Sullens
• John C Hogg
US Copies only: Tube & Pipe Technology (ISSN No: 0953-2386) is published bi-monthly by INTRAS Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Tube & Pipe Technology , PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is available on subscription, or via membership of the International Tube Association – See for more membership benefits
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