TPT January 2023
Detecting welded tube defects due to scarfing THE Xiris WI-2200/3000 weld
The scarf width measurement is taken after the scarfing tool and measures the size of the flat portion of the tube where the scarf has occurred. Sometimes, the scarf width can grow larger than desired if the scarf tool has been set to remove too much material, or the scarf tool has picked up too much dirt. For example, the support rollers used to hold the tube can get dirty with metal chips from the scarfing material and cause the tube to lift when debris gets caught between the roller and the tube. When this occurs, the tube gets pushed into the scarfing tool and as a result, removes too much material. An alternative to measuring the width of the scarf cut is to measure the depth of the scarfed surface as it can sometimes be below the desired surface of the edges of the parent material.
camera and the ideal mathematical profile. The diameter of the tube determines the length of the ideal profile line to be fitted over the actual profile line. By knowing the position of the actual laser profile, the ideal profile, and the size of the pixels in the image, the WI-2200/3000 can calculate the various profile defects. While most mill operators will use the weld inspection system directly after the weld box, some choose to place the inspection system after scarfing to check for issues related to the scarfing process.
inspection system is a weld bead and tube geometry measurement solution that is used to monitor key parameters that relate to process stability and tube or pipe quality. Adding a Xiris WI system to a mill provides real-time monitoring for multiple defect conditions, enabling continuous incremental improvements of mill quality and productivity. The many measurements that the weld inspection system can provide are based on the differences between the actual laser profile line seen by the
Xiris Automation Inc
Bültmann GmbH
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