TPT January 2023
Mexican company expands por tfolio by adding long product rolling mill to its facility
(330 to 406mm); rounds, and round corner squares, up to 12" (305mm). The new facility will be erected at Garcia, Nuevo Leon and will be fed by Frisa Steel’s high-quality ingots heated up in natural gas furnaces and descaled with high-pressure industrial water before rolling. The Danieli rolling mill will consist of a reversing break-down mill stand followed by an in-line intermediate and finishing mill made of six SHS housingless stands arranged in
A LEADING Mexican forged products manufacturer has chosen Danieli’s technology and equipment for its first long product rolling mill, which will produce 80 tph of high-quality rounds and squares in alloy, carbon, tool and stainless steels, for diverse industrial applications. The wide range of big bars to be produced in tight and constant dimensional tolerances and with optimal surface conditions will include semi-finished rounds, 13 to 16" The new facility will be erected at Garcia, Nuevo Leon, in Mexico
vertical and horizontal configuration. Finishing services including shears, saws, marking stations, walking-beam cooling bed and slow cooling stations will complete the mill. An advanced Danieli Automation control system will fully guarantee automatic process settings and control of the new mill. A Hi-Profile contactless measuring device will check dimensional accuracy and surface quality. Plant commissioning is scheduled for the second half of 2024.
Danieli SpA
ARRIVALs Landing at an exhibition near you…
The stationary PBM pipe end preparation machines, for fast beveling of all types of materials, are the strongest bevel machines in the market.
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