TPT January 2016

All-in-One Nondestructive Inspection Solution for ERW Tubes Olympus offers a phased array solution for full-body inspection of ERW pipes that includes an independent weld seam and heat-affected zone (HAZ) inspection feature.

Fully compliant with the latest API requirements for P110 and Q125 grades

Weld and HAZ




Full-body inspection provides high resolution WT mapping of the pipe to identify the weld position from an absolute reference and the weld deviation over the complete pipe length.

WT mapping view can also be used to automatically discriminate between specific pipe zones to apply independent criteria and reject different-sized defects in each zone.

WT mapping data is used to automatically position the weld seam prior to the inspection and automatically adjust the phased array probes to compensate for weld deviation during the inspection.

Optimized weld seam inspection can detect up to 1/32 in. through drilled holes created by large phased array curved probes, covering a wide sector with homogeneous amplitude.

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