Magnetic Analysis Corporation 103 Fairview Park Dr. Elmsford, New York 10523-1544 USA
Tel: +1-914-530-2000 Fax: +1-914-703-3790 Email:
info@mac-ndt.comMAC is proud to announce that it has added laser
inspection equipment for detecting weld imperfections.
WI2000p Laser:
Weld undercut, sunk welds, bead roll, weld height, and
weld register (mismatch).
Paired with Eddy Current:
Detection of Small, short, subsurface cracks & pinholes
with coil applications and long continuous surface &
subsurface seams and laps with rotary applications.
Paired with Ultrasonic Rotary:
100% full body coverage for long, continuous defects
on the OD & ID as well as inclusions, voids or cavities.
Flux Leakage
systems are available to accurately
detect longitudinal & transverse defects on heavy-wall
magnetic tubing.
www.mac-ndt.comIn & Out
Has You Covered!
Nondestructive Testing Equipment Since 1928
Eddy Current ~ Ultrasonic ~ Flux Leakage ~ Laser