TPT January 2013
Article The accounting result of comprehensive energy consumption for roll production process A of SDSF Total comprehensive energy con- sumption of per ton of finished product is 0.8794 ton standard coal, is only 1 / 3 of finished product consumption of per ton of similar forging roll at home and abroad, and the utilisation coefficient of material is 87.5 per cent, is twice that of forging roll of similar product at home and abroad. Manufacturing every ton of finished roll can save of 0.704 ton of metal material. 3.3.2 The welding pipe roll with deep hole shape The sizing roll of world’s biggest Ø660HFW/ERW welding pipe mills as example: the weight of finished product is 1.258 ton.
Figure 1 : Straightening steel pipe roll, HFW/ERW welding pipe roll and cold roll formed steel roll The accounting result of comprehensive energy consumption of forging roll manufacturing process of similar product at home and abroad Total comprehensive energy consumption of finished product per ton is 4.407 ton standard coal, utilisation coefficient of material is 35.5 per cent. The comprehensive energy consumption of new roll manufacture process B of SDSF Total comprehensive energy consumption of finished product per ton is 1.246 ton standard coal, is only ¼ that of finished product of similar forging roll per ton at home and abroad, and the utilisation coefficient of material is 77.5 per cent, is more than two times that of similar forging roll at home and abroad. Manufacturing finished roll of per ton can save of 1.527 ton of metal material. The compared comprehensive energy consumption of new roll manufacturing process with that of similar forging roll at home and abroad. 4 The compared property of SDSF new high chromium alloy roll with that of similar roll at home and abroad 4.1 Chemical composition The chemical composition of SDSF new high chromium alloy roll is different from that of similar roll of other countries in the world. At the present
Figure 3 : The drawing of sizing roll of world’s biggest Ø660HFW/ERW welding pipe mills
Figure 2 : The drawing of the world’s biggest roll for straightening steel pipe mill
Table 1 : The comparison of comprehensive energy consumption of finished roll production per ton
Comprehensive energy consumption (ton standard coal)
Utilisation coefficient of material (%)
Manufacturing process
Forging roll manufacturing process of similar product at home and abroad
SDSF new roll manufacturing process A
SDSF new roll manufacturing process B
January 2013
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