TPT January 2012
T echnology U pdate Pre-weld pipework equipment and tools PIPE Ltd is a manufacturer and supplier of pipework manufacturing equipment. Its comprehensive range includes pipe bevelling machines, pipe cutting machines, pipe welding alignment clamps and pipe jack stands. With its extensive knowledge in this field, the company has progressed into the manufacture of dedicated purging systems and accessories to enable high quality welding of exotic materials. Having seen the problems faced by pipe welders when required to weld exotic materials, Pipe Ltd now manufactures a range of weld-purging systems to remove oxygen from the weld chamber as quickly as possible, allowing the welder to produce high quality, oxide-free welds. The latest addition to this range is the patented ‘Rapid Purge’ system. Utilising a ‘donut’ design twin inflatable bladder housed in a special Nomex and Kevlar mix heat-resistant material, the ‘donut’ and ‘thru-bore’ design of the system means that the area to purge is localised to the weld root, reducing both gas usage and purging times. For example, a 36" pipe will purge down to 0.1 per cent oxygen in less than 10 minutes. Whether 8" or 80" pipe, due to the materials used these lightweight yet rugged systems allow easy withdrawal from the pipe once deflated, even round bends and elbows. Used in conjunction with PIPE’s range of weld purge monitors, the systems enable the welder to produce high quality welds in very little time and with no oxidisation. PIPE Ltd – UK Fax: +44 1869 323273
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Industry Partner :
PIPE’s Rapid Purge range
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