TPT January 2012
I ndustry n ews Tube Russia returns in May 2012 FROM 28 – 31 May 2012 the trade fair trio Metallurgy-Litmash (International Trade Fair for Metallurgy, Machinery, Plant Technology andProducts), TubeRussia (The International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair in Russia) and Aluminium/Non-Ferrous (International Trade Fair for Aluminium and Non-Ferrous Metals, Materials, Technologies and Products) will return to the ZAO Expocentr in Moscow. The trade fairs will be jointly organised by Messe Düsseldorf together with its subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Moscow and its Russian partner Metal-Expo. Supporting associations include the International Tube Association (ITA), the European Committee of Industrial Furnace andHeating EquipmentAssociations (CECOF), the European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association (CEMAFON) as well as the European Metallurgical Equipment
Association (EUnited Metallurgy) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). The three trade fairs will present the latest innovations for the metal pipe and metalworking industries: Metallurgy-Litmash 2012 will include metallurgical plants and rolling mills, thermo process technology and foundry machinery as well as sheet metals, welding, cutting and joining technology and information processing equipment. Tube Russia 2012 will feature tube manufacturing machinery, raw materials, tubes and accessories, used machinery and process technology tools as well as measuring and control technology. Aluminium/Non-Ferrous 2012 will present plants, machinery and technology for aluminum and non-ferrous extraction and processing, raw materials and primary metal products as well as semi- finished and finished products. According to the Russian Federation Ministry of Industry and Trade, the 2011 production volume of iron and steel will increase by 4 to 6 per cent. In addition to modernisation needs after the recession, the main projects driving the demand for iron and steel in the country are the APEC Vladivostok Summit in 2012, the Student Games in Kazan
in 2013 and the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. In addition, preparations for the World Soccer Championship in 2018 are already underway. Metallurgy-Litmash, Tube Russia and Aluminium/Non-Ferrous 2012 will be instrumental in successfully meeting the needs of the Russian market. When the trade fair trio was last held in 2011, a total of 265 exhibitors from 24 countries showcased their products to 10,500 visitors (including attendees at the concurrently held wire Russia trade fair). Messe Düsseldorf – Germany
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Tube Russia
J anuary 2012
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