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Fullstage Technologies
to represent Haven
THE German technologies company Fullstage Technologies with
its headquarters in Otterfing (Munich, Germany) recently acquired
the exclusive rights to represent Haven Manufacturing (Brunswick,
USA) as its sole agency in Europe.
Haven Manufacturing is a leading producer of cutting machines
in the area of tube and bar in North America. Haven manufactured
machines areparticularly known in theautomotive industry. Its product
range includes dual-blade shear cutting, KleenCut supported shear
cutting, flying shear tube cutting, wire brush deburring, endfinishing
and automated tube cutting systems.
Now Haven Manufacturing has decided to offer its machines
to the European market. With Fullstage Technologies, Haven has
found an adequate partner to guarantee perfect and high quality
customer care. Fullstage Technologies is known for its long standing
experience and expertise in sales and distribution of its employees.
Fullstage Technologies offers in addition cutting machines
distributed wire bender under its brand “TAIHEI” from Japan. These
machines are of high quality with an affordable price, which comes
as automated depending on the customer’s request.
FullStage Technologies GmbH
– Germany
Fax: +49 8024 60834 29
www.fullstage-technologies.comInterpipe meets leading
Iranian oil and gas
IN October, Interpipe held a business meeting with current and
potential clients in Tehran, Iran. Representatives of the largest
oil and gas companies in Iran participated in the meeting, where
Interpipe’s specialists presented the Ukrainian Premium Joint
connection (UPJ) used for equipping horizontal and inclined wells in
difficult geographical conditions.
Denis Solomin, director for oil and gas pipe sales at Interpipe said,
“Iran is a world leader in oil and gas extraction, and accordingly is
the largest consumer of pipe products. Interpipe has many years of
production experience and offers a wide product portfolio for the oil
and gas industry. The Premium UPJ joint that we presented in Tehran
is a high-strength connection compatible with the threaded NEW VAM
joint. Interpipe’s pipe products with the premium UPJ connection are
successfully used in oil-rigs in Syria, the UAE, Morocco and Nigeria.”
TheUPJ threaded connection is designed for use in the construction
of horizontal and inclined oil and gas wells operating in difficult
geological conditions. Compression of the premium joint ‘metal-metal’
in combination with the resistant trapezoidal thread provides high
containment, strength and durability to ultimate joint strength.
– Ukraine