• Due to the variation of mandrel diameter and in the analysis
of original pass-design in accordance with the variation of
wall thickness, the elongation of each stand is allocated
autonomatically to achieve the reasonable load distribution in
the technology mathematical model software.
Rolling data analysis
Piercing hollow
parameter:OD:195+2/-0mm, WT:16.5mm
Rolling pipe parameter:
OD:163.2, WT: 5mm, mandrel diameter: 153.2mm
OD:164.1, WT:6mm, mandrel
diameter:152.1mmThe wall thickness sampling behind extractor:
a) The first chart is the specification 155*5 of shell wall thickness
behind extractor:
Series 1 Absolute deviation is 0.32mm, relative deviation is
Series 2 Absolute deviation is 0.28mm, relative deviation is
b) The second chart is the specification 155*6 of shell wall thickness
behind extractor:
Series 1 Absolute deviation is 0.9mm, relative deviation is
Series 2 Absolute deviation is 0.57mm, relative deviation is
The sampling behind SRM:
a) The first chart is the specification 114*6.35 of shell wall thickness
behind extractor: absolute deviation is 0.78mm, relative deviation
is ±6.14%
b) The second chart is the specification 139.7*6.2 of shell wall
thickness behind SRM: absolute deviation is 0.62mm, relative
deviation is ±4.98%
c) The third chart is the specification 73*5.51 of shell wall thickness
behind SRM: max WT is 5.8mm, min WT is 5.07mm, absolute
deviation is 0.67mm, relative deviation is ±6.07%
Five stands lateral roller changing type
three-roll MPM unit (TRCM)
• Main parameter
inlet hollow diameter: 220, 320, 400mm
outlet shell diameter: 192, 293, 366mm
Installed capacity: 10,200kw
• Radial press down
The existing roll gap adjusting mode is a ‘lever-type roll adjusting’ so
during the press down adjusting process, the roll pass centre to the
rolling centre line will be deflected.