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Major development in sawing technology
LINSINGER, Austria – itself a major specialist in Sawing, Milling and Tooling – is opening up new areas for cutting
large cross sections with its newly developed, sophisticated sawing machine technology.
For cutting continuous cast billets or ingots, conventional vertical or horizontal sawing machines inherently suffer
from shorter tool life due to lower frame and clamping rigidity.
Linsinger Inclined Bed Sawing Machines are the first in the world that now combine the advantages of vertical and
horizontal sawing machines. LINSINGER CEO Mr. Hans Knoll reflects: “This unique KSS inclined bed circular saw
series is a great success, and further emphasizes Linsinger's leadership in the Sawing Technology field".
The worldwide enthusiasm for the inclined bed concept was recently expressed by the CEO of a major seamless
tube mill: “Despite our earlier satisfaction with Linsinger machines over many years we once tried using an
apparently cheaper alternative product. Now we have returned to LINSINGER because their products have proven
to offer the most efficient and economic solutions available in the market today. Especially when combined with
Linsinger's tooling package we noticed huge subsequent savings in money, time and effort”.
With the experience of over 500 successful carbide tip circular sawing machine installations under their belt,
LINSINGER engineers understand the potential cost of unplanned saw machine standstills. With LINSINGER, the
customer can be assured of unsurpassed mill line availability and significantly lower costs well within the mill plant
life span. … a good reason why many leading railway wheel and seamless tube producers from countries such as
USA, Brazil, Italy, Spain, France, China, Japan and Russia choose solutions made by LINSINGER.
Linsinger's international sales manager Hans Baumgartner emphasize the advantages of using components tuned
for highest compatibility: “A Formula 1 car wheel is like a saw blade for a sawing machine. The smallest of
deviations quickly lead to more vibration, lower reliability and thus endanger line efficiency“. LINSINGER's
especially quiet cutting process combined with the Trouble-Free-Package simplifies maintenance and repair while
further reducing line standstills and fewer unplanned stoppages.
Linsinger is an Austrian company nearly 350 employees looking back on over 60 years of success in high capacity
milling and sawing technology. With their regular stream of new developments, LINSINGER can rightly claim to be
the primary address for Sawing and Strip Edge Milling solutions.
Значительная разработка в области технологии резки
Компания LINSINGER Maschinenbau, Австрия, является крупным специалистом в области резки,
фрезерования и изготовления инструмента. Она расширила область применения резки изделий большого
сечения с помощью своей новой пилы.
Традиционные вертикальные и горизонтальные станки для резки заготовок и слитков, получаемых
непрерывной разливкой, имеют тот недостаток, что срок службы их инструмента непродолжительный из-за
недостаточной жесткости нижней рамы и недостаточного зажатия.
Пильные станки с наклонной станиной компании Linsinger – это первые в мире станки, которые
объединяют в себе преимущества вертикальных и горизонтальных пильных станков. Исполнительный
директор компании г-н Ханс Кнолль отметил: «Серия KSS дисковых пил с наклонной станиной – это
огромный успех компании, закрепивший её лидерство в области технологии резки».