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HOBART Brothers Company is a

manufacturer of welding filler metals

marketed under the brand names Hobart,

Tri-Mark, McKay and Corex. The company

is a wholly owned subsidiary of Illinois Tool

Works, Inc, a multinational manufacturer

of a diversified range of value-adding and

short lead-time industrial products and


To improve weld quality on modified

grade 91 steels used in high-temperature,

high-pressure applications in the power

generation and petroleum industry, Hobart

Brothers offers Tri-Mark


TM-B9 welding

wire. This gas-shielded flux-cored wire

offers all-position welding capabilities and

fully matches the base material properties,

ensuring weld quality.

The TM-B9 wire meets the requirements

of chrome-moly welding, including providing

an X-factor of less than 15 parts per million.

It also provides a weld deposit with low

diffusible hydrogen content – 3.1ml per

100g of weld metal – to prevent cracking

during the pre- and post-weld heat treat

cycles of grade 91 steels. This feature

results in X-ray quality welds and minimises

costly downtime for rework.

The Tri-Mark TM-B9 welding wire also

features a fast freezing slag that allows for

welding in all positions without concern for

slag inclusions. Low spatter levels and arc

stability add to the wire’s ability to produce

high quality flat weld beads. The wire offers

a tensile strength of 116ksi and yield strength

of 96ksi. It is available in 0.045" diameters

on 33lb spools, and operates with a shielding

gas mixture of 75% argon and 25% CO



Hobart Brothers Company


Fax: +1 800 541 6607


Low alloy welding for high temperatures

MANCHESTER Tool & Die, Inc has

introduced a new, hydraulically operated end

forming/roll forming machine, Model M10-

H3-R, featuring standard MTD components

and using the same tooling as the M71-H-3

and 24008 machines.

The M10-H3-R offers the new HMI

(human machine interface) user-friendly,

programmable flexible control system

and includes diagnostics for machine

maintenance. The end and roll forming

stations are positioned so the operator can

load and unload both clamp areas.

A design offering future auto loading

and unloading systems allows tube end

forms requiring end forming and roll forming

processes to be completed without any

staging of materials between processes.

The M10 can also be designed with

a 6-position end form station for tube

end forms that require components to be

assembled onto the tube before the rolling


Manchester Tool & Die Inc




Forming/roll forming machine