TPT January 2011
在 Schweissen & Schneiden 的 Polysoude 法国自动 TIG 焊专家 Polysoude 已推出其创新、高效的系统、机器设备、零部件和解决方案,用于轨道和机械连接和覆 层。 P6 300- 安移动 TIG 焊接系统的投放市场,用于使用自动轨道焊的管道装配,从技术上,经济上和质量上为工厂建设打开 了新的生产可能性。因直观的操作结合模块化系统概念使其成为可能——特征与较小的 P4 版差不多。较大的触摸屏, 通过与系统发生的所有相互作用,提供接触面。该触摸屏通过软件向内部电子元件发布命令,并且将连接过程状态发 送给操作者。 P6 的其他特征是自主系统配置和自动编程。 P6 还具有为可重复使用的焊接结果进行实时焊接数据记录功能。该机器不 仅能检测连接工具的型号(开放的或封闭的焊头等),而且还知道在哪个数值范围内工具能工作。自动编程可负责焊 接参数的调整到最后的细节。 伴随精密的电源,当使用自动轨道焊时,焊接头是连接系统中最重要的因素。参观者可期待开放和封闭式焊接头重大 的新发展:更紧凑,尺寸更小,重量更低,而且易于使用,带不受管直径支配的快速夹紧系统。 为了管道和零部件内部和外部管壁的耐磨精整, Polysoude 开发了一种系统,用于 TIG 火线表面覆层。公司还为很多其 他分部生产机械和自动连接解决方案。公司的工程师已经开发了一种特殊的自动化连接技术用于电厂锅炉施工: TIG 窄 缝焊。这一工艺尤其适合连接厚壁同心圆形工件。这一连接技术适合 25 至 300 毫米厚的壁厚。 Polysoude – France Website: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Protecting ERW seams from corrosion METALISATION provides metal spraying and anti-corrosion protection systems around the globe, and boasts a number of successes within the tube and pipe industries. Metallisation equipment and processes are thought particularly effective in re-coating weld areas of pre-coated tubes produced by a tube-forming mill. Tubes can be produced using pre-coated steel strip, which is available with zinc coating (galvanised), aluminium coating (aluminised) or Zn/Al Alloy coating, available under various trade names. The tube is formed by electrical resistance welding (ERW) of the longitudinal seam. During the welding process the heat generated, coupled with the tooling operation to remove the weld fins, destroys the tube coating around the weld area, which, unless re-protected, will corrode. The re-protection of weld damage is achieved by applying a metal sprayed deposit that matches the tube coating. Metallisation can metal spray the weld damaged area with pure zinc, pure aluminium or a zinc / aluminium alloy. This is believed to be the only method of in-line repair that offers the flexibility of producing tube with zinc, aluminium or Zn/Al coatings. The Metallisation Arcspray 528E-ICC is a heavy duty high performance pistol, specially designed to work reliably in severe and extended operating conditions. To apply the metal spray to the ERW seam, the Metallisation weld repair system is installed on to the tube mill. The spray pistol must be located as close as possible to the fin removal tool and, ideally, within one metre of the welding coil. When spraying a zinc coating the pistol needs to be around 30mm from the arc point. The spray current, which relates to the spray rate of the pistol, can be varied in accordance with the line speed to ensure an even coating on the seam, even when the line speed changes, e.g. during ramp-up and ramp-down. Typical line speeds of 60 to 110 metres per minute are normal when arc spraying, but speeds outside of this can be catered for. It should be noted that the coating quality may be affected by the mill line speed and size of the tube and slight adjustments may be required. The main benefit of the Metallisation Arcspray 528E-ICC system is its reliability in automated applications. In the Arcspray process, the raw material – a pair of metal wires – is melted by an electric arc. The molten material is atomised by a cone of compressed air and propelled onto the ERW seam. This spray solidifies when it hits the surface of the tube to form a dense coating, which re-coats the tube weld area to protect against corrosion. Major advantages of the Arcspray process are that the coatings are available for almost immediate use, with no drying or curing times; there is no risk of damaging/distorting the component and the use of only compressed air and electricity mean more economic coatings. Защита сварочных швов от коррозии Компания Metallisation поставляет металлизационные системы и системы антикоррозионной защиты по всему миру, которые пользуются успехом в трубной промышленности. Оборудование и процессы металлизации особенно эффективны для возобновления покрытий на сварных швах выходящих со стана труб с предварительно нанесенным на штрипс покрытием. Трубы можно
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