TPT January 2010

V ol 23 N o 1

J anuary /F ebruary 2010

F eatures



12-16 April 2010

90 Heat and surface treatments

102 Tube Düsseldorf 2010 show preview

The application of heat to metal is an ancient art, but one that has grown in sophisication as the need for shaping and bending tubes and pipes has grown more demanding

A first look at the world’s biggest tube and pipe trade show, which will again feature all of the world’s leading tube and pipe companies under one roof

10-12 February 2010



104 Tube India 2010 show feature

106 Weighing, measuring, handling & packaging technology

The fourth edition of the increasingly influential Tube India will this year be held in Mumbai, a city that is the home of India’s tube and pipe industry

It’s not only the actual manufacture of tubes and pipes that is vital in the engineering process: efficiently and safely, handling the materials is just as vital

T echnical A rticle

Neutral axis

OD fibres in



How does the Bauschinger effect change the physical strength of welded steel pipe? By Lew Warren, P. Eng., consultant, Warren Consulting Inc

ID fibres in compression

ID fibres in compression

OD fibres in


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