TPI November 2020

Products & developments

TD Williamson Quick Connect system ‘increases safety and speed of gas distribution pipeline isolations’

TD Williamson, the global pipeline solutions provider, has introduced its latest isolation innovation for the gas distribution market, the POLYSTOPP ® Quick Connect system which, according to the company, allows operators to isolate a polyethylene (PE) line twice as fast as other methods while preventing the damage associated with squeezing. According to HT&P senior product manager Ryan Ragsdale, it takes less than 10 minutes to tap and isolate a pipeline with the POLYSTOPP Quick Connect system. The technician can install the tapping, plugging and completion machines onto the valve in about 20 seconds each, and removal is just as fast.

“Faster isolation decreases job time and increases efficiency while preserving pipeline integrity, which maximises value to the operator,” Mr Ragsdale said. “Because we understand that the gas distribution industry is truly a lifeline for everyday citizens, TDW is constantly looking to develop technology that will enable operators to enhance pipeline integrity and do it faster, easier and more safely,” Mr Ragsdale said. The POLYSTOPP Quick Connect system is available worldwide for 4" through 8" pipelines up to 10 bar (150 psi). Technology for 12" pipelines will be available in the near future. TD Williamson upstream flow is present, without interfering with schedule piping and mating flanges. In vertical applications, minimal back pressure provides a positive shut-off tight seal. In horizontal applications, an ETFE-coated stainless steel spring pulls the disc back to the closed position, with minimal back pressure required to fully shut off. A high Cv value ensures that user flow rates will be achieved. Asahi’s wafer check valve is available in PVC, 3" through 12", with EPDM seals and no spring, standard. All 3" – 8" wafer check valves operate at a maximum pressure of 150psi; 10" and 12" at 90psi and up to 120°F. Optional seals in FKM and an ETFE- coated stainless steel spring round out the offering. Asahi/America

Asahi/America offers wafer check valves for back-flow prevention on pumps

Asahi/America Inc, a thermoplastic fluid flow technologies expert, has announced that it now offers wafer check valves for installation on the discharge side of pumps in applications such as aquariums, water attractions, water treatment and municipalities to prevent back-flow flooding that could seriously damage pump systems. Asahi’s wafer check valve’s body, disc and stopper assembly are machined from

solid PVC plate stock, which conforms to ASTM D1784 Cell Classification 12454A. This material was selected based on its excellent chemical resistance and mechanical properties. The wafer check valves are machined, assembled and tested at Asahi/America’s corporate headquarters in the US. The wafer check valve conforms to ISO 5752 face-to-face dimensions and is easily installed by slip-fitting the valve

between two mating flanges. The valve body automatically centres on the mating flanges, once the stud pack is installed. A directional flow arrow on the valve body indicates the upstream and downstream sides of the valve. The valve outside diameter can be machined to accommodate ANSI/DIN/JIS wafer style bolt patterns. The unique design of the disc and stopper permits the disc to fully open when



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