TPI May 2024

Cordless tube saw delivers precision cuts for high purity applications By Del Williams on behalf of Tri Tool Technologies

A reimagining of conventional tube saw design has led to an innovative, cordless model that cuts a wide range of piping and tubing sizes and materials with greater precision, efficiency and longevity.

The semiconductor, pharmaceutical and aerospace industries all require extensive piping and tubing systems to deliver essential liquids and gases under high pressure to critical equipment and systems within facilities, equipment and infrastructure. To install or replace this piping and tubing, the mechanical contractors that serve these industries often utilise tube saws to cut the materials to length prior to welding. However, ensuring the maintenance of liquids and gases at a high level of purity, or even achieving an ultra-high level of purity, presents a significant challenge for these sectors. This means any cuts in the piping or tubing need to be extremely precise, square, and free of contaminants such as tiny metal fragments. Unfortunately, typical tube saws often are not engineered to reliably make such precise cuts, “particularly given the variations in pipe and tube sizes, wall thicknesses and exotic material types from industry to industry,” said Chris Belle, CEO of Tri Tool Technologies. Founded in 1972, Tri Tool Technologies is a leading provider of machining tools, custom machining solutions, and on-site services for the aerospace, defence, power generation, oil & gas, life sciences and semiconductor industries.

Tube saws have been developed that ensure consistent, accurate and precise cutting of a wide range of piping and tubing for semiconductor manufacturing

Multiple tube saws increase costs To service more than one industry, mechanical contractors frequently must procure multiple tube saws to cut piping and tubing of different sizes and types, increasing installation costs and complexity. Moreover, this equipment traditionally requires replacement in less than a year with regular use, further contributing to expenses. Fortunately, recent advancements in the industry are addressing many of these challenges while meeting the requirements for high and ultra-purity applications. Through a meticulous engineering approach, tube saws have been developed that ensure consistent, accurate and precise cutting of a wide range of pipe and tubing sizes and materials. Additionally, the incorporation of a cordless design has enhanced versatility, enabling cutting in locations without access to a power source. Moreover, to minimise capital expenses, there is a new tube saw available in the market that is designed to withstand demanding environments, eliminating the need for premature replacement and ensuring long-lasting performance. Reengineering tube saw design With a view into the needs of sectors like semiconductor, pharmaceutical and aerospace, Mr Belle of Tri Tool considered what could be done to increase the precision, reliability and longevity of conventional tube saw design. Although the OEM has traditionally focused on higher end, custom machining tool applications, Mr Belle directed the company’s engineers to design a tube saw that could reliably make precision cuts for the widest range of markets.

A mountable OD clamping tube saw with a self-centring clamping system ensures precise, square cuts



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