TPI July 2011
Corrosion resistant tube and pipe
Liner technology offers alternative for deep-sea pipelines
evonik degussa GmbH – Germany
and also offer a weight and price advantage. In the current project phase of development, Vestamid is being integrated with Swagelining’s liner installation technology to provide a close fitting, fully protected pipeline system.
The joint development of a lining solution by Evonik Industries and Swagelining Limited is still in its infancy, but it has great potential. Instead of the corrosion resistant alloy pipes currently used for many offshore oil production flowlines, the two companies are now developing a completely different concept: a combination of established liner technology from Swagelining and the custom-tailored Vestamid ® polyamide 12 from Evonik. This technology, based on the concept of PE lining, which has been used successfully for many years to protect water-injection lines worldwide, is now being developed for hydrocarbon service to 100°C. Compared to corrosion resistant alloy pipes currently used for hydrocarbon transportation, carbon steel pipes offer cost benefits and are more readily available, but are also more susceptible to corrosion from aggressive products. Carbon steel pipes with liners constructed of Vestamid, however, are protected against internal corrosion
swagelining limited – UK
Installation of a polymer liner by the Swagelining technology
Corrosion protection for tubes Benteler, Germany, is a manufacturer of high-quality steel tubes, and produces chromium-VI-free galvanised precision steel tubes under the name Zista-CRF ® .
The special production process enables the flexible use of different organic coating types. In addition to free colour selection, special requirements such as temperature and chemical resistance can be met. A solvent-free process is employed for environmental and personnel safety reasons, which fulfils requirements of the EU Solvents Directive. The process also ensures a uniform coating and uniform corrosion protection over the entire tube, which enables use of the most common DIN and SAE tube screw fittings without prior removal of the coating. benteler Tube Management GmbH – Germany
Benteler Zistaplex improves the corrosion resistance of galvanised tubes through an additional organic coating. In addition to providing corrosion protection, Zistaplex is distinguished by excellent formability that meets most requirements, even after complete machining of the tubes. This eliminates the complex and costly galvanising and painting process on the customer side.
These tubes are used in applications such as vehicle tubing and for machine and plant construction. However, the coating must meet higher requirements in numerous applications.
The combination of surface damage through transportation, handling and further processing, as well as the absence of the self-repairing effect of the chromium-VI-free coating, lead to a limitation of corrosion protection characteristics. Benteler offers welded and seamless Zistaplex ® tubes in the chromium-VI-free product range as a solution to this problem.
Galvanised precision steel tubes
July 2011 Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal
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