TPI January 2014
January 2014
The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
Quality – a global language. The most diverse requirements spur us on. Our clients challenge us as the market- leading producer of large-diameter pipes. Together, we realise momentous projects all over the world. Quality is a language everybody understands – everywhere. EUROPIPE. Full of energy.
© W e s e r W i n d
EUROPIPE GmbH · +49 208 9760 · An enterprise of the Dillinger Hütte and Salzgitter Mannesmann groups
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The global acting ASMAG Group is a well-known supplier of integrated and customized solutions for the steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metal industry. The group‘s strengths are innovative engineering, high-quality in-house manufacturing and reliable personal support. More than 110 years of experience give evidence of our approach to provide demand-oriented production solutions and excellent product quality to ensure an economical and long machine life.
• Uncoiler • Strip Accumulator • Tube Forming Systems • Welding • Tube Sizing Systems • Flying Cut-off Systems • Tube Run-out Systems
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Tube Products INTERNATIONAL Magazine 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 4HY, UK Tel: +44 1926 334137 • Fax: +44 1926 314755 • Email:
8 Business & Market News 34 Products & Developments 52 Tube Düsseldorf Preview 54 Refrigeration & HVAC 58 Coil evolution: smaller diameter coil production by Newell Franks II, chairman/CEO, Burr Oak Tool Inc, USA 61 Editorial Index 62 Catalogue 64 Advertisers Index Contents January 2014 7-11 April 2014
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The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
January 2014
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The trademagazine for tube and pipe products
The January issue
© W e s e r W i n d
Quality – aglobal language. Themost diverse requirements spurus on.Our clients challengeus as themarket- leadingproducerof large-diameter pipes. Together,we realisemomentousprojects all over theworld.Quality is a language everybodyunderstands – everywhere. EUROPIPE. Fullofenergy.
EUROPIPEGmbH · +492089760 · An enterprise of the Dillinger Hütte and SalzgitterMannesmann groups
11-15 March METAV (Düsseldorf, Germany) International Exhibition 7-11 April Tube Düsseldorf (Germany) International Exhibition
Welcome to the latest issue of Tube Products International magazine. This issue we have a feature on refrigeration & HVAC, a first look at the Tube Düsseldorf 2014 show and an in-depth article looking at the interesting area of small diameter coil production. Enjoy the magazine. By now I am sure most readers have their stands booked for next year’s spectacular Tube Düsseldorf exhibition and are busy finalising travel preparations. After going to all of that effort my advice would be to make sure that you make the most of your investment at the show by backing it up with coverage in the magazine. It makes sense to let people know what new products you will be exhibiting and, just as importantly, where your stand will be located. This is a huge show and people often do not have time to see every hall, never mind every exhibitor, so getting your name seen is vital. Many purchasers that I speak to tell me they plan who they will visit before they actually arrive at the show. So, by featuring in the pages of Tube Products International (which is the official media partner of Messe Düsseldorf, the organisers of the tube show) you can maximise your exposure at the show and attract the attention of our readers. Next issue we have a full feature on Tube Düsseldorf, plastic pipes, hydraulic tubes, tubes used in construction and small diameter and high precision tubes. Please be sure to send your editorial by the deadline of
14-17 May Lamiera (Bologna, Italy) International Exhibition
3-6 June Tube Russia (Moscow, Russia) International Exhibition 24-27 September Tube China 2014 (Shanghai, China) International Exhibition 21-25 October EuroBlech (Hanover, Germany) International Exhibition 28-30 October Tube India 2014 (Mumbai, India) International Exhibition
10-12 November Fabtech (Atlanta, USA) International Exhibition
2-4 December Valveworld (Düsseldorf, Germany) International Exhibition 11-13 December Indometal Tube (Jakarta, Indonesia) International Exhibition
7 January. You can contact me at Please do not hesitate to get in touch if I can be of any assistance.
Rory McBride Editor
10-13 January Tube Arabia (Dubai, UAE) International Exhibition
news business & market
Gordon Fiddes, managing director of Pipe Coil Technology, with Reece Group’s John Reece (chairman) and Phil Kite (CEO)
Reece completes third acquisition in 18 months
Phil Kite, Reece Group CEO responsible for acquisitions, stated, “Our goal is to create a more broadly based engineering business which is less dependent on defence, with strength in the oil and gas, construction and subsea markets. The acquisition of Velocity UK, Responsive Engineering and Pipe Coil Technology in the last 18 months highlights the progress made in delivering on our strategic plan. The acquisition of Pipe Coil Technology gives us another product business and we are excited by the opportunity this will create.”
equipment for a wide variety of flexible piping products. The business has a forecast turnover of over £6mn. John Reece, chairman of the Reece Group, commented, “This is another strategic acquisition for the Reece Group; it comes on the back of our acquisition of Velocity UK and Responsive Engineering last year and our recent purchase of the BAE Systems property on Scotswood Road. “Pipe Coil Technology adds a third product company to our business, enabling us to explore another new market. The business has shown it can deliver world-class engineering solutions and we are looking forward to working with the management team to grow the business.”
As part of its continuing strategy to create a diverse engineering business, the Reece Group has acquired a 100 per cent stake in Pipe Coil Technology Ltd. The Reece Group is the holding company for a number of UK engineering businesses, including Pearson Engineering, Responsive Engineering, and Velocity UK. These businesses operate in the defence, subsea, construction and oil and gas markets. Following the acquisition, group turnover will be £100mn. Pipe Coil Technology, based the north east of England, is a specialist in the design and manufacture of complete coiling, packaging and handling
reece Group ltd – UK
Pipe coil Technology ltd – UK
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2014
business & market news
Pipeline monitoring system installed Fotech, a specialist in distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology, has completed installation and commissioning of its LivePIPE pipeline monitoring system for Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), in partnership with Commtel Networks. Events are detected and classified within seconds to a location accuracy of a couple of metres, giving pipeline operators the information to prevent environmental damage and unforeseen cost.
Operating primarily in oil and gas and pipeline sectors, Fotech has developed the Helios system that converts an opt- ical fibre up to 40km long into a solution that is equivalent to tens of thousands of individual vibration sensors. Real-time detection of the vibrations caused by acoustic disturbances along the fibre is translated into information that will aid the oil and gas operator in exploration, production and delivery activities, or a pipeline operator with intrusion detection, leak detection or pig tracking activities. Commtel Networks provides advanced engineering and technology solutions focused in oil and gas, power, transportation and defence sectors, delivering high-performance converged communication and surveillance systems in India and abroad. The company builds converged telecommunication networks for voice, video surveillance, data and Ethernet traffic over optical fibre, radio or copper links.
Shriprakash R Pandey, Commtel’s CEO, said, “The Fotech LivePIPE system addresses a pressing safety and security need of the oil and gas industry where pilferage and accidental damage to pipelines are real problems, and the completion of this installation is a key milestone for us and the wider industry. We have worked together with Fotech to commission a highly reliable system. The system is providing an unprecedented level of visibility of activity and threats around the pipeline to our customer.” Fotech CEOChris Shannon commented, “With a significant number of system installations underway around the world, completion of the LivePIPE commissioning for HPCL is testament to the success of the Fotech-Commtel partnership. This installation also presented an extremely challenging environment from an acoustic point of view. That we have been able to deliver such an accurate and reliable service while filtering out substantial local ‘noise’ really demonstrates the power of our LivePIPE monitoring system.”
The system will monitor activities on 75km of the Mumbai-Pune-Solapur product pipeline, protecting it from theft and interference, while preventing nuisance alarms caused by innocuous activity. The specific installation environment is highly prone to nuisance alarms due to heavy industrial and agricultural activity along the pipeline. Fotech developed localisation features that effectively segregate nuisance activity from genuine unusual events, increasing the confidence levels of detecting genuine intrusion incidences. The System Acceptance Certificate was signed and released by HPCL and the system is now under stabilisation. Based on Fotech’s Helios distributed acoustic sensing technology, LivePIPE is a pipeline monitoring system that detects and locates intrusions and interference activity along thousands of kilometres of pipeline in real time.
Fotech – UK
Commtel Networks – India
Heavy industrial activity around the Mumbai-Pune-Solapur pipeline can cause nuisance alarms
January 2014 Tube Products International
business & market news
Subsea contract for Gulf of Mexico project Technip has been awarded, by LLOG Exploration Offshore LLC, a contract for the development of the Delta House field, located in the Mississippi Canyon area of the US Gulf of Mexico. Technip’s operating centre in Houston, Texas, USA, will perform the overall project management.
construction vessel will install the export flowlines. Frédéric Delormel, Technip’s executive vice president and chief operating officer subsea, commented, “This new project reinforces our leadership in the US Gulf of Mexico deepwater market. It also confirms our positioning in deep to shallow export lines, following the acquisition of Global Industries.”
The infield flowlines and risers will be welded at the group’s spoolbase in Mobile, Alabama, USA. Offshore installation is expected to be performed in the second half of 2014 by vessels from Technip’s fleet: the Deep Blue will lay the deepwater infield lines, while the G1200
The contract covers the project management, engineering, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning of more than 200km of infield and export flowlines and risers. The water depth of this development is between approximately 100 and 2,000m.
Technip – France
Fine Tubes appoints engineering and finance directors
A member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Mr Maxa has over 20 years’ experience with a wide range of manufacturing and engineering companies. Most recently he held the position of group financial controller at Prodrive, a specialist engineering and motorsport company. Commenting on his new role, Mr Maxa said, “During my first visit to the Plymouth site, I was impressed by the operations, the systems and the management team at Fine Tubes. I’m excited by the prospect of helping the company develop further, particularly with the support they now have from their new owners for investment in future growth opportunities.” Fine Tubes has headquarters and production facilities in Plymouth, UK, and sales offices in Munich, Germany; Orleans, France; New Delhi, India; and Houston, USA. The company manufactures both seamless and welded tubes, in a wide range of stainless steel, nickel, titanium and zirconium alloys, for critical applications in the oil and gas, nuclear and power, aerospace, chemicals and medical equipment industries.
difficult problems and help drive the business forward. From everything I have seen so far, it should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.” Ronen Day, managing director of Fine Tubes, added, “We’re delighted that John agreed to join us. He has just the right blend of skills and experience to make an important contribution across the spectrum of our engineering activities.” Fine Tubes has also announced the appointment of Graham Maxa as the company’s new finance director. Mr Maxa will play a key role in helping to drive the company forward following its change of ownership in 2012. In particular, he will have specific responsibility for the financial direction of the company’s strategic plans in addition to maintaining day-to-day financial controls.
Fine Tubes, a manufacturer and global distributor of precision tubes for critical applications, has appointed John Rooney as director of engineering and technology. Based at the company’s head office in Plymouth, UK, Mr Rooney will have overall responsibility for engineering solutions for the development of products and processes. Mr Rooney has 25 years’ experience in engineering design gained across a wide range of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, general manufacturing and machine building. He has also received awards for design, and has successfully patented a number of inventions. Mr Rooney commented, “I am very much looking forward to working closely with a wide range of Fine Tubes personnel to find the best answers to the most
John Rooney
Graham Maxa
Fine Tubes ltd – UK
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2014
PCC Energy Group companies provide a range of high-performance alloy solutions for the energy industry. In fact, we invented over 80 percent of all nickel alloys used in the energy industry today. Our technical expertise allows us to custom-engineer these alloys into solutions that improve operational performance across the entire value chain. This includes applications for oil and gas, processing and refining, power generation and general industrial.
Learn more about PCC Energy Group and our five leading brands by visiting us at PCCFORGINGAHEAD.COM
business & market news
Norma builds production in Atibaia Engineered joining technology firm Norma Group has established a manufacturing site in Atibaia, near São Paulo in Brazil. The new facility provides the capacity to manufacture a broad range of Norma Group products, including exhaust couplings, clamps, quick connectors and fluid systems. America in order to better serve its customers. Start of production is expected in 2014. “The new facility is a significant step in our planned build-up of production in Brazil,” said Werner Deggim, CEO of Norma Group. “We will strengthen our presence in this dynamically growing region to better meet the needs of South American and global customers.”
Norma Group manufactures a broad range of engineered joining technology solutions in three product categories – clamp, connect and fluid – offering over 30,000 products and solutions to around 10,000 customers in 100 countries. Its joining products can be found in vehicles, ships, trains, aircraft, domestic appliances, engines and plumbing systems, as well as in applications for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
Norma Group also signed an agreement to purchase manufacturing assets for quick connectors, including tooling and injection moulding machines, in September. This will allow Norma Group to accelerate the build-up of its production capabilities in South
The company has been present in the Brazilian market since 2011 with a sales and engineering office in Santo André, located about 20km outside São Paulo.
Norma Group SE – Germany
Tejas Tubular to construct new facility Tejas Tubular Products has announced plans to construct a new facility located in New Carlisle, Indiana, USA. The St Josephs County facility will focus on the heat treatment and manufacturing of 4 1 / 2 " to 9 5 / 8 " OD well casing for the oil and gas industry. “Tejas is committed to working within local communities, promoting domestic jobs, and utilising American steel to support the US domestic tubular products industry,” said Darrell Ballinger, vice president sales and marketing for Tejas Tubular. “The New Carlisle plant is expected to create more than 100 jobs for the community.”
oil country tubular goods for the petroleum industry. The company offers a complete range of OCTG products serving conventional, offshore and unconventional production projects. Tejas product lines include petroleum production products such as casing, tubing, couplings and tubular accessories, as well as drilling products, including drill pipe, drill collars and drill string accessories.
With a capacity expected to exceed 72,000 tons annually, the primary output of the facility will be heavier weight production casing with semi- premium and premium threaded connections.
Tejas Tubular Products, with manufacturing facilities in Houston and Stephenville, Texas, USA, is a manufacturer and supplier of
Tejas Tubular Products, Inc – USA
Sandvik among most innovative companies For the third year running, Sandvik has earned a position on the prestigious Thomson Reuters Top 100 Global Innovators list. globally, and whose inventions have worldwide influence.” strong patent portfolio that protects our inventions, and it is the dedication in the whole organisation to finding new ideas and developing products that makes us a world leading high-technology engineering group.”
Olle Wijk, head of Sandvik Group R&D and head of the R&D board, commented on the designation: “This global designation recognises Sandvik’s focus on technical innovation and our significant investments in research, development and intellectual property. “All our engaged and highly qualified employees in R&D and intellectual property have a crucial significance for us being on the Thomson Reuters list. Their solid collaboration provides our
The list designates 100 corporations and institutions around the world that are at the heart of innovation as measured by a series of proprietary patent-related metrics. According to Thomson Reuters, the list is developed from “a scientific, unbiased approach to identify the organisations that are dedicated to innovation, committed to protecting patent rights
Sandvik Materials Technology is a developer and manufacturer of products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys for demanding environments, as well as products and systems for industrial heating.
Sandvik Materials Technology – UK
Tube Products International January 2014
business & market news
Investment in fabrication facility Pipe Center is investing in its Fabrication specialist pipe work facility in order to extend its capabilities and offer improved service. expanding to meet contractors’ wider needs, including copper pipe systems for use in large scale cold water projects.
Gary Franklin, general manager of Fabrication, said, “The investments in new equipment and people significantly extend our capabilities, and enable us to take on a wider range of work. The aim is to build on our core strength in steel pipe work for commercial buildings, and grow in new areas that add value to customers – as well as our own business.” The diversification includes the creation of complete pump packages, with all components assembled and skid- mounted for delivery to site. Fabrication is working closely with Pipe Center’s other value added businesses, Valvestock, Modular Engineering and Custom Build, to provide complete solutions across the spectrumof building services and industrial applications.
Based at West Horndon, a fewmiles east of London, UK, Fabrication provides off- site pipe work design and construction services for large commercial and industrial projects. Pipe work systems are built in factory conditions before being transported to site for immediate installation, saving material and site labour, improving quality, and ensuring project deadlines and costs are met. Pipe Center is investing in the latest Victaulic equipment to offer pipe grooving capability for high performance systems. It is also investing in the latest welding plant and additional trained manpower. The company has traditionally focussed on steel pipe work for HVAC applications, but is now
Pipe Center is expanding its specialist pipe work capabilities
Pipe Center – UK
January 2014 Tube Products International
business & market news
Successfully certified by NORSOK Centravis has successfully
ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. The standards are intended, as far as possible, to replace oil company specifications and serve as references in the authorities’ regulations.
projects worldwide will be provided to Centravis as a proven supplier.
accomplished the NORSOK M-650 certification process and obtained approval on behalf of TUV NORD. NORSOK certification will strengthen the company’s presence in supplies of seamless stainless steel tubes and pipes for the petroleum industry to Scandinavian countries and the UK. An opportunity to participate in key
The certification is proof of the quality of Centravis products on the whole, and cold finished and hot finished Duplex and Super-Duplex products in particular.
Centravis Production Ukraine
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to
‘Classical’ solution to restoration project Iron technology firm Saint-Gobain PAM UK, part of the Saint-Gobain materials group, has provided a guttering solution for the restoration of the dilapidated Lawhead House in West Lothian, UK. were delighted to play a part in restoring this once splendid property to its former glory.
“A site take-off of the guttering requirements was completed and we identified that a 6" x 4" moulded gutter from the Classical range would be the key product. In addition, we designed and manufactured a number of special angles and nozzles at our Telford plant.” Cast iron gutters and downpipes, servicing the housing and construction markets, have been manufactured at Saint-Gobain PAM UK’s Telford facility for over 100 years. The company’s Classical range of cast iron traditional half round gutter and circular downpipe systems is designed in accordance with BS 460.
The large and imposing 19 th -century Lawhead House, with gabled wings and a slate roof, was vacant and fell into disrepair in the early 1990s. Local planners sought to restore the historic building, and were given permission for restoration into a single residential unit in 2008. With the backing of Building at Risk Scotland and some funding by Historic Scotland and the National Lottery, restoration was well underway by 2012.
Lawhead House fell into disrepair in the 1990s
The Classical range of rainwater systems offers eight gutter profiles, with a choice of round, square and rectangular pipes with extensive ranges of associated fittings to suit any building, whatever the architectural style. Classical products have been installed at a number of impressive buildings and developments where architectural integrity – which retains and enhances the traditional character of a building – was a key requirement. Classical Plus is offered in a pre-painted, high performance polymer powder alloy coating (PPA571), ready for immediate installation and requiring minimal long- term maintenance. Saint-Gobain PAM UK supplies ductile iron pipes, fittings, valves, access covers and gratings, as well as being a producer of cast iron above- and below-ground drainage systems. Its markets include water and sewerage, telecommunications, highways, civil engineering, construction and housing.
Jim Burns of Saint-Gobain PAM UK commented, “At Saint-Gobain PAM, we
Saint-Gobain PAM’s Classical range has been used where architectural integrity was a key requirement
Saint-Gobain PAM UK
Tube Products International January 2014
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business & market news
Atkore acquires assets Atkore International Inc has entered into two definitive agreements.
Ridgeline Pipe employs nearly 100 full-time and temporary workers at its facility in Eugene, Oregon, which also has the capability to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Heritage Plastics Central, Inc in Weatherford, Texas; and Heritage Plastics West, Inc in Milford, Utah.
The first is to acquire the assets of the Heritage Group of companies (Heritage Plastics), a US manufacturer of PVC conduit, fittings, elbows and plumbing pipe products. The second is to acquire the assets of Ridgeline Pipe Manufacturing, a US manufacturer of electrical PVC conduit, fittings, elbows and irrigation pressure and sewer/drain pipe products. “We’re committed to expanding our core capabilities in conduit by becoming the leader within the PVC industry – as first evidenced by the recent appointment of Bill Waltz as president of our plastic pipe and conduit business,” said John Williamson, president and chief executive officer of Atkore International. “The acquisition of Heritage Plastics complements our existing PVC product portfolio, expands our market presence nationwide, and enhances the total suite of value-added solutions for our electrical raceway customers.” In total, the Heritage Group employs nearly 300 employees across its locations: Heritage Plastics, Inc in Carrollton, Ohio, and Tampa, Florida;
All facilities have capabilities to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Ridgeline Pipe facility will continue operations at its current location.
Charles McCort, founder and co-owner of Heritage Plastics, commented, “We have grown as a market leader through our entrepreneurial spirit and industry experience, which has been recognised and rewarded. We are proud of our company’s accomplishments to date and look forward to participating in the future growth of the plastic pipe and conduit business at Atkore.” All facilities of the Heritage Group of companies will continue operating at their current locations. “We’re excited about the acquisition of Ridgeline, which expands our PVC product portfolio,” commented Bill Waltz, president of Atkore’s plastic pipe and conduit business unit. customer relationships, focus on service and market presence in the Northwest complement Atkore’s capabilities and enhances our ability to deliver comprehensive electrical raceway solutions nationwide.” “Ridgeline’s strong
Mike Stickel, CEO of Ridgeline, commented, “Atkore is a strong company with a commitment to being a leader in the PVC market. We’re pleased Ridgeline’s contributions will help Atkore achieve this strategic growth opportunity.” Atkore International is a manufacturer of galvanised steel tubes and pipes, electrical conduit, armoured wire and cable, metal framing systems and building components, serving a wide range of construction, electrical, fire and security, mechanical and automotive applications.
atkore International Inc – USA
Heritage Group – USA
ridgeline Pipe Manufacturing – USA
DylanGroup expands UK operations DylanGroup, a European provider of steel pipe, fittings, flanges, valves and bar, has expanded its operations in the UK after opening a new 12,500ft 2 warehouse in addition to its existing facilities in Rugby, UK. are proud to announce that we now carry a full range of carbon steel pipe, fittings and flanges through the range from ¼" to 24". This stock will allow us to offer an even higher level of service to our clients.”
in Europe, including Europoort, The Netherlands; Ruhr, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; northern France; and northern Spain. Worldwide delivery was the logical next step. The markets in the Middle East, the Far East, and Central and South America have become well-known territory for Dylan, with subsidiaries in Abu Dhabi, Singapore and Shanghai, and a network of agents worldwide.
DylanGroup established more than thirty years ago, initially starting as a small trading company focused on the domestic market in The Netherlands. Expansion of the organisation in nearby European countries at strategic locations soon became necessary to meet the client demand. This created a connection between important industrial areas was
Managing director Graham Smith explained, “We have carried a basic stock of flanges and fittings in the UK for a number of years, predominantly used to service the MRO contracts that we hold with BP, Exxon and Total; but with ever-increasing demand for our materials from a growing customer base, we took a decision to dramatically increase our stock and
dylanuK ltd – UK
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2014
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business & market news
Texas Gulf Energy wins piping fabrication job
Texas Gulf Energy is focused on providing expert advisory services on programme and project management and fast track construction and turnaround services to large refinery, petrochemical and mining projects. Service lines include direct hire capital construction services, turnaround services, fabrication and programme management.
Specialty Services greatly appreciates the opportunity to provide our clients with the skilled team necessary to deliver these pipe spools to the project on time and on budget. We believe Texas Gulf Specialty Services can become the ‘go to’ industry resource for the Gulf Coast to deliver critically needed construction services of engineers, managers, welders, pipefitters, millwrights and boilermakers when skilled trades are in scarce supply, and look forward to rapidly expanding our Texas Gulf teams providing these services.”
Texas Gulf Energy, Inc has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Texas Gulf Specialty Services, has been chosen to provide a team of skilled trades, including welders and pipefitters, to fabricate pipe spools for a critical mid-stream oil and gas project. The company will be working seven days a week, twenty hours per day in two shifts to deliver this critical, time-sensitive piping project on time.
Texas Gulf Energy, Inc – USA
Craig Crawford, CEO of Texas Gulf Energy, commented, “Texas Gulf
$12mn storm water systems project Abtech Holdings, Inc, a full-service environmental technologies and engineering firm providing solutions addressing issues of water pollution and contamination to communities, industry and governments, has reported that Nassau County, Long Island, New York, USA, fully executed a not-to-exceed $12mn contract with AbTech Industries, Inc, a subsidiary of the company, for the nation’s first design-build-operate (DBO) storm water management project. The project addresses ten storm water outflow pipes in the county. AEWS Engineering LLC, and regional firm Cameron Engineering LLP. AbTech will subcontract with local firms for the installation work and may also engage subcontractors for some of the other project tasks.
of several other counties on the eastern seaboard that have similar issues to address.” Glenn Rink, CEO of AbTech, commented, “This project in Nassau County validates our position as a storm water solutions provider and elevates AbTech’s visibility as a full-service, water pollution treatment company. This evolution of our business model affords us better control of the business development process and expands our addressable market, exponentially.” AbTech Industries products are based on polymer technologies capable of removing hydrocarbons, sediment and other foreign elements in storm water runoff, flowing water, and industrial process and wastewater. AbTech’s offerings include the newSmart Sponge ® Plus antimicrobial technology, effective in reducing coliform bacteria found in storm water, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater.
Commenting on the contract execution, Bjornulf White, AbTech’s EVP of business development, said, “This first-of-its-kind DBO storm water management contract provides a template to proactively and effectively address the national storm water problem through a public-private partnership model. AbTech Industries will work with and under the direction of Nassau County’s Public Works Department to assist the county in meeting its environmental compliance requirements and upgrade its storm water outfall systems. “The upgrades will be designed to address contaminants of concern such as bacteria, oils/greases, trash, debris and sediment, all of which may affect environmental and public health. In addition, AbTech plans to address flooding where necessary by designing the systems to prevent ‘reverse’ flow. These designs will utilise technology to prevent tidal storm surges from channelling storm water upwards to streets. Nassau County is representative
The contract is structured in multiple phases. The first year of the three- year contract will involve site selection, technology selection, design and installation. The final two years of the contract will involve the operation, maintenance and water quality monitoring of the installations. The contract allows the county to extend the operation, maintenance and monitoring phases. Abtech will be paid monthly progress payments for the portions of the project that are completed each month; approximately 95 per cent of the contract amount will be paid in the first year of the contract.
Abtech Holdings, Inc – USA AEWS Engineering LLC – USA
AbTech Industries will lead a team that includes its storm water speciality firm
Tube Products International January 2014
business & market news
CRC-Evans alliance with China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
As a major manufacturer of equipment and a supplier of services to the onshore and subsea pipeline industry, CRC- Evans provides pipeline construction equipment, automatic welding systems, managed subsea services, field joint coating, weighting systems and non- destructive testing. Other engineered equipment includes laybarge equipment, conveying systems and concrete weight coating plants. corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA, and offices and facilities in the United States, Canada, the UK, Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Malaysia and Brazil. The company has
pipeline construction equipment in China.
CRC-Evans Pipeline International has announced an alliance with pipeline contractor China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP).
“It is an honour for CRC-Evans to partner with CPP, one of the biggest and most capable contractors, in the global construction marketplace,” said Mikhail Blekherov, president of CRC-Evans Onshore East. “Many contractors in China follow CPP’s example regarding construction equipment management, strategically positioning CRC-Evans in equipment business in China and around the globe.” CRC-Evans is also the major automatic welding machine supplier for the recent world’s largest X80 pipelines, both stretching over 4,000km long, from central Asia to the eastern and southern coasts of China. Two further pipeline projects of similar scale are being implemented in the following year or two.
The agreement marks a long-term partnership between the two companies.
With over 30 years of cooperation, CRC-Evans has rented dozens of automatic welding machine spreads and sold ten full spreads of dual torch welding equipment to CPP. CPP constructed over 50 per cent of the pipeline contracted by CNPC, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, within the last year alone. The new strategic partnership between CPP and CRC-Evans positions CRC- Evans as a trustworthy supplier of Using this equipment,
CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Inc – USA
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January 2014 Tube Products International
business & market news
JMC Steel hosts mayor at Chicago facility
people who are committed to the city – who export out of this facility.”
JMC Steel Group, an independent steel pipe and tube manufacturer and parent company of Wheatland Tube, celebrated two years in Chicago, USA, with a guided plant tour, luncheon and visit from Mayor Rahm Emanuel at the South Side Wheatland Tube manufacturing facility. Mayor Emanuel gave a speech highlighting Wheatland Tube’s contribution to local economic growth, after remarks from JMC’s CEO, Barry Zekelman, who spoke of the company’s role in strengthening Chicago’s workforce. Guests were then invited to take guided tours of the plant. “It’s not always all about office work. It’s about being able to do all you can for the city,” said Mayor Emanuel during his speech. “It’s the men and women in the back door of Chicago – the 600-plus
Wheatland Tube invited employees and their families, as well as customers, local contractors, city agencies, and local and state politicians – including Alderman George Cardenas and Illinois State Senator Tony Munoz – to gather at the manufacturing plant and celebrate Chicago’s strong base of manufacturing companies. In 2011 JMC relocated its headquarters from Beachwood, Ohio, to Chicago. The company now employs approximately 600 people in Illinois alone – a combined total from the Atlas Tube and Wheatland Tube Chicago manufacturing facilities as well as JMC’s corporate headquarters. The Wheatland Tube plant employs approximately 190 people, after adding 30 jobs in the last two years, including engineers, machinists, crane and forklift operators, and wastewater treatment operators. “The short-term solution for many companies has been to move jobs offshore, to non-union or less expensive states, thus leaving well-established cities like Chicago, Detroit and others with rapidly increasing unemployment,” Mr Zekelman said. “This does not need
Mayor Emanuel and Barry Zekelman, CEO of JMC Steel Group
to happen and will not happen as long as JMC is in Chicago.”
Wheatland Tube produces a wide range of steel tubular products, including standard steel pipe, galvanised mechanical tubing, fence framework, fire sprinkler pipe, electrical conduit, elbows, couplings and nipples.
High Quality Products and Reasonable Price
JMC Steel Group – USA Wheatland Tube – USA
Standard Flange Non-standard Flange Customized precision machining parts and assemblies Pipe Fittings
Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel greets Wheatland Tube’s workers
Materials: Carbon steel
Stainless steel Alloy steel Aluminum
Tel : (86) 311 86219861 Fax: (86) 311 86219891 E-mail: www. f
Tube Products International January 2014
A new European distribution centre for PIPE After the success of its 2013 exhibition campaign, including Steelfab and Tube Arabia in the Middle East and the Schweissen & Schneiden Exhibition in Germany in September, PIPE Ltd will once again be showcasing its extensive pipeworking product portfolio at the upcoming Tube Fair in Düsseldorf from 7 to 11 April 2014. Regular exhibitors at Tube for nearly ten years, this will be PIPE’s fourth Tube fair. “Since our first presence at the Tube fair, the fair has gone from strength to strength, increasing footfall year on year, while maintaining the relevance and quality of visitors, making it an excellent platform for launching new products into the pipe and tube market,” said managing director Tony Tagliaferro of the show. “Some of our best customers have developed from initial contact at the Tube fair, and have grown to become some of the most valued and long-term relationships. The Tube show, among others, really is an essential platform for us.” PIPE will be unveiling a number of new pipe- and tube- related machining products and ancillary tools, including new self-centring O/D mounted split frame pipe cutting and bevelling machines, together with the latest incarnations of its popular mid-size dedicated pipe bevelling machines, the Supermaxi series. Since the last Tube fair in 2012, PIPE has gone from strength to strength, both in the domestic and European markets, as well as further afield. This is partly due to its new international sales strategy and the success that has come from its presence at Tube, and other international trade shows. By the time the Tube 2014 fair arrives, PIPE will also have fully established its new, central European distribution hub. With the directive to facilitate existing and new customers and distributors with its complete portfolio of pipe working tools and equipment – “this is a natural step in progression for PIPE,” said international account manager Justin Gammond. “With the dramatic increase in international business for us over recent years it has now become necessary for us to set up a base on mainland Europe to allow us to offer even faster delivery times at lower costs and to meet the demands of our customers. It will also further grow our presence within the European market. These are exciting times at PIPE, and we look forward to meeting many existing and, I am sure, plenty of new potential customers at the Tube show.”
join the best 7– 11 April 2014 Düsseldorf, Germany International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair
Meeting point: Tube 2014 in Düsseldorf!
join the best – welcome to the world’s leading trade fair for the tube industry! Those who wish to find comprehensive information about the latest innovations in tubes and pipes, manufacturing, processing machinery and tube accessories need look no further. It can all be found here at the world’s most important exhibition – the meeting point for international experts, specialists and global market leaders. Special focal point at Tube 2014: Plastic tubes. A special area is reserved for them, because the question of materials is becoming more and more important.
An important fixed date in your calendar – your visit to Tube 2014 in Düsseldorf!
Plant and Machinery
Pipe and Tube Processing Machinery
Bending and Forming Technology
Tube Manufacturing and Trading
Tube Accessories
Visit PIPE at the Tube fair in Düsseldorf from 7 to 11 April, at stand H41 in Hall 6.
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P.O. Box 101006 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany
Tel. +49(0)211/4560-01 Fax +49(0)211/4560-668
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05.11.13 11:05
January 2014 Tube Products International
business & market news
Project to reduce groundwater abstraction More than 19km of GPS PE Pipe’s blue polyethylene pipe has been successfully installed in West Berkshire, UK, as part of Optimise’s £10mn project for Thames Water to reduce groundwater abstraction at Speen water treatment works. to the installation of a new pipeline between Tilehurst and Cold Ash Service Reservoir, near Newbury, via Thames Water’s existing water booster station in Bradfield. Optimise has completed installation of the pipeline, and the entire scheme was due to be handed over to Thames Water by the end of 2013. crossings of the River Kennet and several minor roads and tracks. GPS supplied SDR11 and SDR17 355mm pipe to address variations in water pressure along the route, which ranges from 4 bar to 11-12 bar after the pumping station. The SDR11 pipe was used for directional drilling where additional pipe strength is required for this type of installation.
The network improvement project aims to support the environmental condition of the River Kennet and reduce groundwater abstraction by an average of 4.5mn litres per day, thanks
The pipeline follows the route of the M4 motorway, and involved directional drilling under the main carriageway, along with another major road, three
GPS also supplied bespoke transition pieces to accommodate multiple changes in pipe wall thickness, and SlimFlange adaptors for connections to metal gate valves. The use of SlimFlanges meant that 300mm valves were used, as opposed to 355mm if standard stub flanges had been used. Lengths of pipe were butt-fused together in order to create the 19.2km pipeline, maximising the welded length whilst minimising mechanical joints. Once operational, the new pipeline will provide an additional potable water supply route for Newbury to safeguard continuity of supply.
GPS supplied more than 19km of polyethylene pipe for the project
GPS PE Pipe Systems – UK
Product Environmental Footprint pilot scheme TEPPFA (The European Plastics Pipes and Fittings Association) has been selected by the European Commission to participate in the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) pilot scheme, which measures environmental performance throughout a product’s lifecycle. TEPPFA will lead the technical secretariat for one of the pilot scheme projects, supported by project partners Plastics Europe, EuPR, Vito and the PEX Association. The announcement is part of the EU Single Market for Green Products (SMGP) – an initiative that seeks to harmonise the methodology to measure the environmental performance of products and organisations. “To boost sustainable growth consumers need to be able to identify genuinely green products and companies, and this is an important step in that direction,” said Dr Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for the Environment.
there was serious effort. I look forward to working closely with volunteers. Reliable and comparable information about the environmental impacts will bring increased transparency and will build trust with consumers, business partners and investors.” TEPPFA is a group of 15 European national associations and 11 direct member companies across Europe. Member companies directly employ 40,000 people and produce 3mn tons of plastic pipes annually, representing an annual turnover of €12,000bn.
Tony Calton, general manager of TEPPFA, explained that the association has for several years been at the forefront of developing Life Cycle Analyses and Environmental Product Declarations for the plastic pipes industry, and believes that this has contributed to its success with selection for the PEF pilot scheme.
“And it’s clear from the 90 applications we received that industry too is on board. I would like to thank all applicants for the excellent proposals – it was extremely hard to make a choice and I do realise that behind each proposal
TEPPFA – Belgium
Tube Products International January 2014
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