TPi March 2019
Business & market news
Check valves white paper updated Val-Matic has rebranded and updated its Dynamic Characteristics of Check Valves white paper. Other design issues such as head loss and cost are equally important factors and should be considered in making the final valve selection. Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing Corp – USA US power plant water treatment conference The paper was written to assist design professionals in predicting slam in basic check valves without dashpots and other specialised hydraulic controls. It is not intended to provide all the information necessary for selecting a check valve, but rather to explain in engineering terms the cause of check valve slam and the inherent closing characteristics of various check valves that contribute to the phenomenon. With this knowledge, the design professional can predict before pump station start-up whether serious check valve problems will occur.
management in coal power generation • Reducing boiler energy consumption • Chemical water treatment for cooling towers • Corrosion inhibitors • The latest in available filtration technologies
Featured topics will include: • Protecting water equipment during idle times • Effluent water management at coal- fired energy plants • The latest development to reduce the build-up of scale in boilers • Corrosion measures to protect plant water treatment equipment • Water softener system maintenance and troubleshooting • Innovative concepts for water
LMN Power is hosting the upcoming Power Plant Water Treatment Confer- ence in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. The event, which takes place on 14 and 15 May, covers every aspect of water treatment and maintenance, and will bring waste water professionals together to hear the latest techniques, research, processes, approaches, case studies and practices in power plant waste water management.
LMN Power – USA
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