EuroWire September 2017
Simple and flexible solution ▲ ▲ Easy guide system is a flexible, easy-to-install cable carrier system for standard cranes WITH the easy guide system, Tsubaki Kabelschlepp has developed a new channel system for guiding cable carriers as a simple and flexible solution for standard cranes which is also suitable for other areas of application. On workshop cranes with cable carriers, for example, this omits loose festoon loops. applications involving complete cranes and crane sets as well as smaller process cranes. holes for the cable carrier and cable ducts are provided every 850mm. Tsubaki Kabelschlepp offers the same installation bracket for different channel sizes or cable carrier types. Permanently installed cables can easily be mounted behind the channel, directly on the bracket, so that no additional cable conduits are necessary, saving time and effort during installation. The system requires only one installer and can be installed on the fly.
Easy guide system features a space-saving design as well as simple and fast installation with few components. The guide channel is available galvanised or as a stainless-steel version. It can not only be installed vertically, but – in contrast to comparable systems – also horizontally, and remains flexibly adjustable even after installation. The optional roof serves as a climbing protection, weather protection and mechanical protection. It also prevents the cable carrier from falling out or knocking. This means it has optimum guiding in a variety of different positions, including lying on its side. no complicated steel structure and is suitable for all I-beams and box girders. Mounting The system channel requires
The requirements for modern crane systems are becoming ever more complex. “The focus is on a long service life and uninterrupted availability at maximum load,” said Peter Sebastian Pütz, head of crane business at Tsubaki Kabelschlepp. “For the development of our new channel system, we placed a special focus on the requirements of standard cranes.” Easy guide system is a standardised guide system for cable carriers which is suitable for trolley power supply and extended travel lengths of cranes, but also for other
The easy guide system is not only applicable for cranes, but also for other areas of application. “Whether for extended travel lengths or for longitudinal, crosswise or corner travel – our system channel can meet a variety of different requirements, even in rough environments,”Mr Pütz added. Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH – Germany Website :
EuroWire – January 2012
September 2017
S ptember 2017
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