EuroWire September 2014

wire China 2014

24 th -27 th September

It is a system for the online inspection and sorting of plastic pellets used for the insulation of medium-, high- and extra-high voltage cables, but also other applications such as in the medical industry. Contaminated pellets are detected and sorted out, assuring that only pure pellets get into the extrusion process. The pellet inspection allows the detection of organic and metallic contamination inside the pellet as well as on the pellet surface, using a special combination of X-ray technology and an optical system. The smallest detectable particle size is 50 µm at a ow rate of up to 2,000kg/h. Preheater 6000 TC : Conductor pre-heating with temperature measure- ment and control. This represents the optimum solution for the controlled preheating of conductors and sets the basis for the production of a broad cable type array at highest quality. The system inductively heats up the conductor to the nominal value. An infrared camera measures the wire temperature at the outlet of the Preheater wheel. A control module supervises and controls the power setting of the device with high accuracy, assuring that the conductor temperature always has the speci ed temperature. The Preheater 6000 TC is available in three power classes (10, 20 and 30kW) for preheating temperatures of up to 150°C (optionally 250°C), for a product diameter from 0.32 to 2.8mm. Fiber Series 6000 : Quality control of optical bres in the drawing tower. The Fiber Laser 6003 measures the diameter of uncoated and coated bres. Depending on its point of installation, it provides information on the position, vibration frequency, tension and spinning. The measuring principle ensures an accuracy of ±0.05 µm. For the detection of airlines Sikora o ers the Fiber Laser 6003 Airline. In addition, the gauge heads provide information on concentricity and temperature of the optical bre. The newly developed Fiber Lump 6003 Micro detects lumps and neckdowns on the optical bre surface to 100 per cent. This is the result of the integration of six measuring axes. Shadow areas are eliminated and even the smallest faults from 5µm height and 50µm length are reliably detected.

Rosendahl Nextrom Stand: W1D43

Rosendahl Nextrom will be displaying its manufacturing solutions for optical bre and cable production. Expert in extrusion, corrugation, optical bre and SZ-stranding, the company supplies high-tech process technology along with customer service in a long-term partnership. the production of power cables, automotive wires, LAN cables, coaxial cables, extrusion crossheads, preforms, bre draw towers, bre UV-coating and bre optic cables are available from one source. Manufacturing solutions for

Bell-type furnace from RAD-CON

RAD-CON supplies capital equipment and software, along with related services, to manufacturers in need of a high-quality batch annealing process that is part of their manufacturing of hot and cold reduced strip and wire metal coils. RAD-CON Inc – USA Website :


The OFC 20 – 200mm furnace

On latest advancements and technology high- lights, including new developments in high speeds, low voltage, medical wire through micro coax, VAD OVD preform technology, high performance draw technology and proof test and solutions for speciality bre production. Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH – Austria Website : display will be the

Sikora Stand: W1F62

Sikora will be presenting a broad product range of innovations as well as proven technology for quality control and cost saving in wire and cable production. Purity Scanner : 100 per cent pellet inspection. This will be the highlight on the stand.


September 2014

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