EuroWire Sept 2015
wire South America 2015
PL R & C series : This series o ers exibility in the production of wire mesh in the form of sheets (and optionally in the form of mesh rolls) as the independent welding heads can be accurately placed at di erent distances to achieve di erent line wire spacing. The PL C series is equipped with heavy- duty welding heads for the production of meshes with wire diameters up to 16mm and line wire spacing from 50mm upwards. PL X-Y series : The PL X-Y o ers increased exibility covering every application within pre-cast concrete element production. The PL X-Y series is designed for the production of standard and non-standard mesh designs and sizes, allowing the welding of uneven line and cross wire lengths and di erent line and cross wire diameters within the same mesh, due to the servo-driven moving welding head. The wide range of wire feeding options available in the PL X-Y includes feeding from pre-cut wires and/or from coils.
Eurobend GmbH Stand: 705A
Daloo Stand: 1006
With more than 20 years of experience in the construction of CNC machinery, Eurobend o ers a wide range of equipment, such as 2D and 3D rebar benders, single-line and multi-line straightening and cutting machines, wire/ rebar mesh welders, continuous stirrup and spiral reinforcement machines, etc. Together with the full line of rebar processing equipment, Eurobend o ers a complete range of welding lines (“PL” series) covering every wire mesh production demand. Using the latest servo-motor technology, with user friendly software and advanced operation monitoring systems, the PL series is characterised by design simplicity, minimal maintenance requirements and adaptability to every production requirement. The PL series mesh welding lines are divided into di erent categories depending on the type of mesh produced and/or the sector served:
Daloo, the Chinese member of the Gauder Group, o ers medium-cost machinery with European quality to produce insulated power cable and overhead conductors.
Daloo rigid stranders
Rigid stranders, tubular stranders, taping lines, rewinding lines, pay-o s, take-ups and pulling caterpillars are manufactured under French management following strict criteria, including quality control and critical component sourcing. Daloo – China Website :
South America 2015 – Imigrantes Exhibition Centre, São Paulo, Brazil 6 th -8 th October 2015
September 2015
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