EuroWire November 2018
Technology News
An advanced HFFR solution
IN harsh service conditions, where mechanical stresses and the possibility of damage during laying and digging activities can occur, a metallic armour is applied under the jacket of cables to confer extra mechanical protection. Critical conditions caused by high ambient temperature and mechanical stresses can also arise during cable storage. This is especially true for black cables stored under the sun, when the actual temperature on the jacket can rise to 60-70°C, determining an important thermal expansion of the metallic armour; an indentation occurs on the inner surface of the jacket, promoting tearing of the protective outer layer that normally cannot be repaired. Unfortunately, HFFR materials usually can be more prone to this issue due to their high filler loading, necessary to guarantee good fire performance. Thus, during material development all these aspects must be taken into account, to ensure that the jacket will not crack during storage and laying, while maintaining all the other properties required. For this reason, Padanaplast developed Cogegum® AFR 1602 UV, an innovative thermoplastic HFFR material specifically designed as the solution to these tough conditions. In this perspective, the tear resistance at high temperature has been taken as the key parameter. The value of tear resistance for Cogegum AFR 1602 UV, measured according to and the wire drawing machine in a totally green application. Economical and environmentally friendly, the system provides significant process savings in production of clean wire. Exceptional cleanliness obtained in glossy finish and plating quality permits wire direct brass coating, copper coating, galvanising, plating, Al and Cu cladding, plastic coating, etc. For a clean mirror reflective wire finish, for decorative applications, the system can be used with a conventional emulsion diluted with water at 3-5 per cent concentration. polishing, in-line with The PWC system simultaneously performs drawn wire cleaning
▲ ▲ Critical conditions caused by high ambient temperature and mechanical stresses can arise during cable storage
BS 6469-99.1:1992, is already higher at ambient temperature, but it is at high temperature that the difference with the standard material is dramatically improved. In terms of performance, this translates into a high toughness when the material undergoes severe thermal and mechanical stresses. In this regard, performances obtained by Cogegum AFR 1602 UV are comparable with those typical of a crosslinked material. Cogegum AFR 1602 UV complies with BS LTS1, 2, 3, 4, IEC 60502-1 ST8 and
IEC 60092 SHF1 norms, and is easily processable on standard equipment for thermoplastic materials. Moreover, it contains a UV stabiliser system to guarantee the mechanical performance of the material during its service life. For cable producers and installers, this material is a ready-to-use solution for the production of armoured cables, avoiding cracking of stored cables, damage during installation and delays in plant start-up. Padanaplast – Italy Website : in increased heat and burnt lubricant tightly bound to the wire surface and embedded in micro-cavities, which are further smoothly polished under high pressure generated by the unit, enabling wire exiting the unit very clean of white-metal appearance with reflective finish and totally dry. and acid-free, caustic-free, without ultrasonic, without chemicals, hermetically sealed zero-emission system, no fumes and no foam. The PWC unit is compact and can be easily installed on the finishing (last block) of a wire dry drawing machine. The PWC system provides the ultimate combination effectiveness: of simplicity
Wire green cleaning for plating and a decorative glossy finish Advertorial on behalf of Decalub
▲ ▲ Wire cleaning for plating quality by PWC system
be converted into a unique cleaning medium generating pressure wetting, contaminants extreme pressure extrusion, hydrodynamic cavitations displacement and contaminants flush out. The PWC system effectively loosens and removes lubricant residue from base material and is particularly recommended for cleaning applications with wires drawn upon severe conditions resulting
Decalub – France Email : Website :
The PWC incorporates new technology that enables normal plant cold water to
November 2018
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