EuroWire November 2018

Corporate News

• Electrolytic plating • Candojet hot water cleaning • Electrolytic & Ultrasonic degreasing • Welding wire cleaning and copper coating • Pickling & phosphating

Rosendahl’s Smart line control system RIO

Since Pelican Wire already produces these wire constructions, Watlow customers can expect a seamless transition and continued access to an experienced team of design and production engineers on every project. Current Pelican Wire customers may benefit from the additional capacity, both at its Florida, USA, location and with its sister company, Rubadue Wire in Colorado, USA. PelicanWire – USA Website : Death of Patrick Carney Patrick Carney has unexpectedly passed away at his home in Naples, Florida, USA. His professional career began at Pirelli Cables. He then went on to hold the position of sales manager for a number of machine manufacturers, including Davis-Standard, Nokia-Maillefer and Gauder Group. He later went on to work in technical marketing services at a number of businesses, including AESA Cortaillod and the MFL Group. He is survived by his wife, Michele, and five children. automatically aggregated, saved locally or optionally via the cloud, analysed, reported and optimised. For instance, each reel produced has its own special ID, which makes direct access to its data possible. From the process parameters and production times all the way to the machine operator, all the information about a reel can be read. The advantage is that information can automatically be accessed about production performance, quality reports, reel protocols, error message-related statistics, energy reports, OEE figures, etc. In addition, smart package add-ons for consumption measurement, extruder screw identification marking and integration in ERP/MES systems are available. Rosendahl Nextrom – Austria Website : collected,

Pelican Wire has completed the purchase of a portion of the Serv-Rite insulated thermocouple manufacturing business from Watlow Electric. The agreement, which includes machinery, design and manufacturing process information and customer account data, specifically affects the high-temperature ceramic and vitreous silica constructions. Pelican Wire president Ted Bill said: “I’m excited to work with our long-time partner, Watlow Electric, to provide their customers continued superior service for these high-temperature thermocouple products. This is a great example of Pelican Wire’s ongoing commitment to the thermocouple wire industry.” Watlow’s chief system designer, Randy Brown, said: “This is a very natural transition for both companies. Watlow and Pelican Wire have a long history of cooperation to ensure customers can leverage the core capabilities of both to get the best solution.” As quoted from the 31 st August 2018 ‘End of Life’ (EOL) statement: “Pelican Wire will begin quoting and accepting orders on new and existing wire designs on 17 th September 2018 and will begin manufacturing operations on or before 15 th October 2018.” INFORMATION determines Rosendahl Nextrom’s success in the industry. The right information consists of collecting, organising and preparing it on a regular basis in order to subsequently draw conclusions and take the appropriate measures. In principle that sounds easy, but what is becoming increasingly important is that this process functions in an analogue and automated fashion. Even better: the relevant information is made available. That is the new premise according to which Rosendahl Nextrom designs its production solutions. The “Smart Factory” is already becoming a reality to the companies. RIO (Rosendahl Integrated Operation) system is a solution that meets these requirements and automatically organises and makes information available. The information about production is

Copperjet - High speed copper coating on welding wire

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PelicanWire completes acquisition of Watlow wire product line


November 2018

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