EuroWire November 2015

Reports of company open days, nancial results of the rst six months, and the ongoing ght against counterfeit cables all feature heavily in this issue of EuroWire . There is also one eye being kept rmly on preparations for wire 2016 in Düsseldorf next April, with many businesses already planning ahead for the week-long exhibition. More than 630,000ft 2 has already been reserved by exhibitors for the largest exhibition in the industry. See the latest from the organisers, Messe Düsseldorf, on page 10. Düsseldorf is also hosting the CabWire World Conference on 3 rd November this year, with industry experts travelling from around the world to attend. The conference, organised by the IWMA, ACIMAF, IWCEA, WAI and CET, also gives attendees the option of a plant visit to ArcelorMittal’s site in Duisburg, on 4 th November. More details are on page 21. Construction product regulations regarding re reaction come into force from 1 st December, and Nexans is doing all it can to make this as smooth as possible for its customers. The full story is on page 20. Werkzeugfabrik Albert Krenn has strengthened its own position in the industry, acquiring the steel cutter and testing press division from Kamax Tools and Equipment, based in Homberg, Germany. The move has enabled Krenn to expand its product range with cutting tools. Kamax, founded in 1935, produces high-strength fasteners for the Industry is already gearing itself up for Düsseldorf

* US$33 purchase only Front cover: EuroalphaRM s.r.l See page 88 for further details

E DITOR : ....................................... David Bell F EATURES E DITOR (USA) : .........Dorothy Fabian E DITORIAL ASSISTANT : .................Christian Bradley D ESIGN /P RODUCTION : ................Julie Tomlin P RODUCTION : ..............................Lisa Wright S ALES & M ARKETING : ................Jason Smith ( I NTERNATIONAL ) UK & ROW sales

Giuliana Benedetto Italian speaking sales Linda Li Chinese speaking sales Miklós Patrubány German speaking sales

A DVERTISEMENT C OORDINATOR : ............................Liz Hughes A CCOUNTS M ANAGER : ................Julie Case S UBSCRIPTIONS : ..........................Julie Case P UBLISHER : ..................................Caroline Sullens F OUNDER : ....................................John C Hogg



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automotive industry. You can read all about the deal on page 24.

US copies only : EUROWIRE (ISSN No: 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published bi-monthly by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831. Periodicals postage paid at New Brunswick, NJ and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Eurowire, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831 © 2015 Intras Ltd, UK ISSN 1463-2438

David Bell Editor

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November 2015

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